Recent content by matteblack59

  1. matteblack59

    Hgh and traveling around the country on a airplane for work.

    Im going to be running HGH probably for 3-6 months. I just started a job and we are traveling around the United States and taking flights to different states. Sometimes we do drive. How can I go about getting some insulin labels and how to throw a kit together looking like it's for diabetes 😆 a...
  2. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    I am blown away! I had a single blend come. Got 7 extra bottles! Yeah buddy! Light weight 😆 thanks falcon!
  3. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    I had everything already. Well I got a extra testosterone with my HGH kit. So I figured it was my test blend I got. I bought a single test because I had a couple already now I have more than enough to last me for a long time! Falcon thanks brotha! Now just waiting for my kit. I know it'll be in...
  4. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    How I just got 8 bottles in the mail from my boy falcon? 1 trenbolone enanthate. 1 Decca. Rest test blends and test c? Falcon thanks brotha!
  5. matteblack59

    New to HGH

    Dont want to jack your thread but I've been reading about HGH alot past few months. My goal is to gain mass. So should I inject during the morning? Ot inject at bedtime? Im hearing mixed things on this topic. Again sorry for coming into your thread but your new to it just as I am
  6. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    I would have been PISSED 😡! This has happened to me and my girl before. Thankfully not with a order from falcon. I'm so used to the wait now I don't even check my tracking numbers. I know he will contact me if it's taken by customs and he will resend. It's a game that they can't win!
  7. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    I'm so used to the process now I make sure I have what I need so I'm not waiting around. Ordered another HGH kit. I'm only taking 1 until a day so I have plenty to get me through each time I order another kit. Besides this kit I literally just ordered a few hours ago I have nothing Im waiting for
  8. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    Yeah been a few weeks but I know it ALWAYS shows up after some time.
  9. matteblack59 Customer Discussions

    Nice hgh and test p came in
  10. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    Idk if I can handle much stronger 😆 no hospital for me Drs already questioning why I have grown so fast lol
  11. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    I found the c4 ultimate strawberry watermelon. Why I decided to see how strong it was before I ate dinner is beyond me! It has me sweating big time 😆 what a dumbass I am 😩
  12. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    I need a high stim pre-workout for sure! I already ordered that exact cable set you linked me up with. That will be here soon. I'll run to Walmart and see wtf they have for the mean time until I order. Bucked up was ok the 1st time. I'm using some cheap pre workout called Hyde. Its just not...
  13. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    I'm trying to get my girl more motivated because she wants to lose some weight. I love her the way she is. I like em thick anyway! I'm hoping this cycle I'll push past 200lbs. Last tren cycle was like 40lbs on top of what I gained just from the test c in a few months. Extremely fatigued today...
  14. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    I like to have my own space I can just be myself and listen to music and chill. We are ordering that cable tonight actually so appreciate that link bro! That's going to be a awesome addition to the downstairs gym
  15. matteblack59

    First eq blast!

    Wow bro! That's what I'm talking about! Keep it moving! 💪💯 Seriously that's impressive! I can't wait to see where I am in 3 years!