Recent content by ObsessedWithit

  1. O

    Need advice

    That's pretty standard protocol there to keep someone relatively safe on cycle.
  2. O

    Need advice

    What is bro science about suppsforlife's advice?
  3. O

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    You need to get labs to make sure you're okay. You put so much toxic shit in your body. Someone else is gonna have to speak on exactly what kind of pct you'll need.
  4. O

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    Liver and kidney function is gonna be really important since you cycled liver toxic compounds throughout your entire cycle.. I think a "comprehensive metabolic panel" will go into that.
  5. O

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    Just to name a few that need to be looked at.. lipid panel. Obvious ones would be Free and total testosterone. Estrogen. FSH. Thyroid function.. all I can think of right now. There's a bunch of important functions that are impacted by steroids. I'm not entirely sure of everything that is...
  6. O

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    Did you do pre cycle or intra cycle bloods?
  7. O

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    did you get blood work after all this?
  8. O

    Need advice

    Let me just let you know the side effects I got after my first cycle. Cruising on test e gave me a very mild facial acne. Nothing serious. Just noticeable tenderness where pimples were forming. Not that bad tho. When I came off cycle tho... I got wrecked by body chest acne. For probably...
  9. O


    If eggs elevate your cholesterol would it be an issue to be eating whole eggs on a daily basis while doing var
  10. O


    Thanks for the first hand experience. What kind of sides did you get from var
  11. O


    How comparable are tbol and var in terms of the way it will make your physique look and performance wise? Does tbol have the insane pumps side effect? My job is pretty labor intensive at times and at times requires a good amount of lower back work. Which I've heard anavar is notorious for.
  12. O


    Everyone in my family had or still has hair into their late 50s and early 60s. But I suppose I will find out if dht's will accelerate that. Follow up questions 1. Is turinabol a dht? 2. Anavar is a more mild steroid than winstrol which makes it less prone to typical sides like acne/hair...
  13. O

    Progress. Also review

    Necessary for review. Also checking in with current physique. 160lbs at the moment. 1.5 years lifting. Came from being 140 pounds and having almost zero muscle on my body. Brogress.
  14. O


    Planning on doing cycle #2 in the near future. First cycle I did 500mg a week test e. Along with that I took aromasin everyday. I understand now that ai's are to be taken only as needed. Which I I will do on this next cycle. I was able to build a decent amount of muscle but I didn't quite have...
  15. O


    5'9 162lbs in july 2021. Just wanna be strong and aesthetic.