Recent content by Xisyaco

  1. Xisyaco


    For me Triptorelin best
  2. Xisyaco


    diet diet diet my friends ;););)
  3. Xisyaco


    Welcome, what you need man ?
  4. Xisyaco

    1st cycle

    My opinion bro u should do a little more research and i say this a lot you should try to stay natural into your 30s... but if your minds set than you need to look into an AI for during your cycle also nolvadex for pct. .hcg is also worth researching... and an FYI the slow build up your thinking...
  5. Xisyaco

    Want to get back in shape+first cycle

    You ned to lose weight! Taking Test and Var with Clen is like pouring coffee int beer. Better t odd some research and change that cycle to a more effective fat loss program. Plus you need to do a lot of cardio, and you make no mention of diet. diet is key!
  6. Xisyaco

    Advice: time off between cycles?

    An old school approach to this question is time on = time off. I think it's generally a good approach, as long as you get bloodwork prior to starting back up to ensure your health is in check :)
  7. Xisyaco


    An oral stack is the worst choice especially for your very first cycle. And you can't just run winny with clen because you're gonna need to use some testosterone as well. You said yourself that you're still learning a lot, and that's what you should really be focused on at this point imo...
  8. Xisyaco

    How should i time and increase volume for first cycle ?

    Adding volume is a process of trial and error. Add a bit of volume to your training and see how you recover. Feel like you barely trained add a bit more volume or push for heavier sets, feel sore for too long lower the volume a bit.
  9. Xisyaco


    What’s up guys! Just wanted to share what I’m currently on as I’m still new to all this and am looking on insight on my cycle. 500mg of test c (250x2 a week) .5mg of anastrozole a week (will bump it up to 1mg this week) ~ updated 50mg clomid a week (25mg twice a week when I inject) My question...
  10. Xisyaco

    Looking for help

    What’s up guys! Just wanted to share what I’m currently on as I’m still new to all this and am looking on insight on my cycle. 500mg of test c (250x2 a week) .5mg of anastrozole a week (will bump it up to 1mg this week) ~ updated 50mg clomid a week (25mg twice a week when I inject) My question...