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  1. V4LT3R


    for PCT Clomid & Tamoxifen should be good enough?
  2. V4LT3R


    So as for 184 - 74kg, how much would be the "starting test" amount?
  3. V4LT3R


    So tbol is more of an cutting steroid? If I'm looking to pack on more mass & muscle, there's not much point of stacking test + tbol?
  4. V4LT3R


    Few questions: 1) turinabol vs dianabol? 2) If you take turinabol, should you also do it with Test, or you can solo turinabol better than dbol only cycle? 3) is Turinabol really a "good beginner steroid"?
  5. V4LT3R

    First Dianabol ONLY cycle!

    No injectables, I was trying to avoid it, as it doesn't feel that comfy for me. So basically there's no point of taking Dianabol without Test? What's the story with stretch marks also
  6. V4LT3R

    First Dianabol ONLY cycle!

    Hi, No, I wasn't planning to take Testosterone base. Also, this would be my first time taking anything, so No, I haven't taken any test.
  7. V4LT3R

    First Dianabol ONLY cycle!

    Hello! I'm 21 years old, weight 65kg, height around 185. I'm starting Dianabol only cycle for 5 weeks, 20mg for first week & other 4 weeks - 30mg, taken as 3 parts through out the day. For PCT I'll take Nolvadex 20mg / daily - 4 weeks. My question is - How likely is it to get stretch marks...