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  1. A

    New member here.

    To answer your question HGH, sorry I wasn't more clear before. Ideally I want my, health, strength and some vitality in my life back. I'm starting from a clean slate here. or so I think being I'm so lean. The Dr who suggested I find a reputable TRT clinic also suggested from the start (almost a...
  2. A

    New member here.

    Honestly no idea. I'm brand new to all of this.
  3. A

    New member here.

    Thank you Aussie, what you said is the plan for now. T 2x a week. Routine bloodwork probably monthly or bi-monthly.
  4. A

    New member here.

    An update from the Dr; "Joe We were waiting on Anastrozole because you had a low estradiol level We need your test to come up and then we can check it again and treat as needed"
  5. A

    New member here.

    I just contacted them about the Anastrozole. My free T is a 6.4, from what i read the range should be between 6.8-21.5? My total T is 343, range is 264-916, again from what my labs said the range should be in. The Enclomiphene is 12.5Mg, 5x a week. T shots are 2x a week. I'm brand new to ALL...
  6. A

    New member here.

    Update, I received my T today. Notes below are from my presriber; Then I have 2 questions... " So our plan: Testosterone injection 2 x per week per instructions on the medication Enclomiphene citrate: helps maintain testicular size and function when on injectable testosterone. Anastrozole...
  7. A

    New member here.

    Haha, thank you sir!
  8. A

    New member here.

    Thank you Bob, luckily all the foods you mentioned I enjoy. I'm with you on that, I'm sure an app or mental note is enough to get me started. OK, call me dumb, but what's the one ingredient?
  9. A

    New member here.

    It's been a while but a little update on my part. It's been nearly a year, doctors, specialists etc.... It turns out I AM low on free and total T, also, I have practically no estrogen what so ever. My free is a 6.3, the TRT clinic Dr told me the range should be between 6.8 and 21.5. He wants me...
  10. A

    New member here.

    I'm excited to start this new journey, pending it all works out/gets approved by the doctors. Now I won't lie. I'll more than likely be grilling you guys with more questions once I start, but from the sounds if it, you are more than helpful.
  11. A

    New member here.

    I'm looking forward to everything you just mentioned. Another Dr friend of mine who knows about TRT and works in sports medicine told me this earlier in a private message (not from this forum). "Excellent start Joe.....let me know when you get the results and I can help interpret." Thank you...
  12. A

    New member here.

    Honestly, I'm searching for a happier, healthier life. If I'm going to live with this illness, I'm sure as shit not going to be a 5'10' twig doing it.
  13. A

    New member here.

    I don't think that's our goal from the start. TRT possibly, depending on lab results, he seems to think HGH might be a good start. I'm sure I won't know more until I see the Endo and get my labs back.
  14. A

    New member here.

    Ok guys, saw the dr. I was honest with him about everything. Like others have said, he might not be the best Dr to see regarding this but I went to him as he's my pcp and if I need any referrals. My BMI is low, blood pressure is perfect. He seems to think my illness is a contributing factor due...
  15. A

    New member here.

    Seeing my pcp today to dicsuss what we've been talking about. I'll keep you guys in the loop. Wish me luck.
  16. A

    New member here.

    I don't know him personally. I know he's a surgeon that goes a long way back with my uncle. From my understanding, I believe he's partners with a TRT facility. Pedrito and everyone else, Thank you! I feel like there's a glimmer of hope now. I do realize that muscle and weight gain won't happen...
  17. A

    New member here.

    I have not seen my Dr yet as most know by now. However I have a family friend Dr who wrote the below. If some of you would be so kind as to read it and offer any feedback on this particular Doctors advise please. Damn Joe sorry to hear that....there is definitely hope for you though in terms of...
  18. A

    New member here.

    What are the side effects of too much testosterone? I intend to talk to m Dr next week and have a full panel done. Again, thank you all for your support and suggestions.
  19. A

    New member here.

    Understood SFL. I've seen numerous YouTube channels, etc....with all that info. Back to what I said before, I think you guys are right about me getting my T levels checked. This is what I'm hoping to "feel" like. I'm on Medicaid, so I wont know for sure if any of it is covered. Side note...
  20. A

    New member here.

    "(not good erections, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, no joy in life, super low energy, unable to focus, etc)" This pretty much explains my daily life. I'm not giving up yet and I refuse to let my condition (although it sucks) get the best of me. From the sounds of it, and I thank...