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  1. H Customer Discussions

    I did not order, I have in the past. All my buddys at the gym have tho. Since they now on here, I am giving their feed back
  2. H Customer Discussions

    I believe that's what this forum is for! And transparency for others. Us giving feedback to other and you!
  3. H Customer Discussions

    You said that already!!! Last week and the week before that!!
  4. H Customer Discussions

    Someone tell me how order from January, are getting messed up by Easter? I just order from another place 1 weeks ago, and got it today... @Gainz. Think you are the exception to what's going on. My dudes at the gym still waiting... maybe you are working with falcon, so he sends it a different...
  5. H Customer Discussions

    Almost 2 months is a long time to just "hold in there" I know alot of guys from my gym that haven't got first, second or third shipments but they get 4 different tracking numbers to just see nothing happen. Sorry but something seriously shady right now.. all money went out, but nothing to show...
  6. H Customer Discussions

    I been in contact with a lot of guys in my gym that use him and they all state they have not gotten their stuff yet too.. they are starting to lose hope, some of them are starting to look for other places to order from..
  7. H Customer Discussions

    I do believe that is what this site is all about, feed back and telling other when a source goes belly up or shady
  8. H Customer Discussions

    So only sale products are tested before hand? Not all products. Because the stuff I got was bunk. When I tested with an online kit it came back with a null report. Which mean no markers of the supposed product make up!
  9. H Customer Discussions

    I have been ordering from falcon. My last order I got about 8 orals that were all dragon pharma. One of them was clen 40mcg. They were fake, I was up to 4 a day , at that rate I should have been burning up and shaking like I was having a seasure! Dbol was the same, anavar too. All 50mg. All...