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  1. S

    Pre load pins

    <p>does anyone ever pre load pins to save time for EOD cycles????</p>
  2. S


    <p>does Test Cyp make your joints hurt??</p>
  3. S


    <p>What's the main difference between prop, Cyp, enanth and how should they be used?</p>
  4. S


    <p>how should primo be used.  Is it good for a first cycle? </p>
  5. S

    Proper intro

    <p>Never properly introduced myself.  I'm a 39 year old cunstruction guy.  I've been working out on and off for 16 years.  I know a lot about nutrition and excersise and I'm ready to step up my game.  About to start a 10 week test Cyp cycle with clomid as a pct.  Would adding dBol be exceptAble?</p>
  6. S


    <p>i was planning a 4-5 week cycle of D-Bol orals for my first ever cycle.  Is it worth it? Any advice?</p>