16 week


New member
About to start my 3rd Test E only cycle. Thinking of upping it to 16 weeks instead of 12 weeks. Will the extra 4 weeks be worth it?


Well-known member
yes, it will. remember that test e takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in the system. so you have only 6-8 weeks of full testosterone enjoyment with 12 weeks cycle. with 16 weeks that'll be 10-12 weeks!
you PCT or TRT?


Well-known member
because the longer you're on testosterone, the harder it is to recover. that's why by abusing testosterone (using it for years without stopping) you are very likely to never recover your ability to produce normal testosterone amounts. that's barely a risk for you assuming you do it alright. but still, the longer you're on a steroid cycle, the harder it is to get off it. But 12-16 weeks cycle won't make that huge of a difference and if you ask me, I would say that it is worth increasing to 16 weeks.