2nd cycle


New member

Hi everyone

As I´m new here I think a good starting would be sharing what I have in mind it will be my second cycle. I´m absolutely open to make any modification as I still didnt start pinning.

My first cycle was a year ago and I just used Test E 250 mgxweek. 

My stats are:

Height: 180 cm

Current weight: 88.5 kg

%BF: 14%

The planed cycle will be:

Test E 300 mg 2xweek 1-12 weeks

Deca 300 mg 2xweek 1-10 weeks

Dbol 40 mg ED 1-4 weeks

HCG 250 iu x week 3-12 weeks

Arimidex .25 2xweek 1-12

I´ll also use Nova, Clomid and HCG as PCT.

I also have in my hand some Dostinex just in case it´s needed.





i would personally run a npp cycle to test the waters ,   also a second cycle id rather see you run test and add a conpound  

but npp and sust a beauitful cycle  this way if something dont agree you can switch up 



I agree with Siegmund and you seem to have done some solid research already. Personally I would go with the NPP for the softer effects on a second and/or maybe a little less Deca but on the whole you look good.
Do you know your goals?
Have you planned your 12 week diet as well?
What about your workout plan for those weeks?
Those matter even more than your drugs! I am sure you have thought of them, I just wanted to mention in case you wanted everyones thoughts on the true 'whole' cycle.
Good luck bro

Normally I would say stay with Test for the first few cycles. People tend to get discouraged with this idea in the pursuit for more gains but they forget that there are different esters to try. Short and long esters feel very different in practice and for most, have different predominant side effects. I have always preferred short esters but since being on Rx TRT, my outlook has changed simply because it's just easier to increase your TRT dose when blasting instead of changing esters.

If you're going to go with a multi compound stack, the cycle you outlined is a classic bulk cycle and the only thing I would change is extending it out to 16 weeks. But if you want to have more fun, get in and out of the cycle quickly so you can start another ASAP, try Test P and NPP like Sieg suggests. You won't need a dbol kickstart and you can get great result in just 6-8 weeks. You'll be in PCT in a couple of months, be able to take a couple of months for a break and then be ready for another cycle way before you'd be ready with a long, 12-16 week cycle.




Those are also very high doses.  300 deca twice a week is overkill.

also sust is a blend. stick with npp prop.

if you are set on the test e deca id go with 150 deca twice a week and 250 test twice a week. it's your second cycle you don't need 600mg of any compound. 




First, I  will 2nd sigs advice to run npp/prop, and if you decide to run deca, I will 2nd rams advice, along with razors notion of extending the cycle. 8-10 weeks if npp,  16 weeks if using deca. 



New member


Reading all your comments I´m thinking to change the Deca to NPP as  you all suggested. I´ll spend the weekend reading about this compound and will let you know on Monday what will be the definitive compounds I may use :)

I´m planning to gain between 7 and 10 kg of muscle without increasing a lot my BF%.

I had already planned the diet: my TDDE is around 2700 cal right now so I ´ll be eating between 3500  and 3800 cal per day with a cheat meal day every 10 days. Macros: 40% of them will be carbohydrates, 20% will be fat and 40% will be proteins.

I´ll be training 4 times a week between 5 and 7 different exercises every day. 4 sets each exercise. Last one till the failure.




New member

Thanks for the comment!

What you mentioned in your last paragraph is what I have in mind: 12 weeks now + 8 weeks PCT some time resting and after that starting a cutting cycle to be ready for Summer :)

