Acne Theory

Big Dan T

New member

Let's say someone runs a simple cycle of test-c and some AI. And they develop acne... This isn't nonething new, had it since 15ish... Anyways, lets say they develop acne on a simple cycle... Later down the road, he decides to use a stronger compound; Trenbolone and possiable some oral primobol... Would he incur a more serious case of acne sense the compounds are stronger, or is about the same amount expected?



New member

In most cases, I have found that acne has a lot to do with genetics. If you are already predisposed to acne, if you jump on gear, acne gets worse. I know of guys who have ran 2g of test a week along with a gram of deca and had skin clear as day, then guys who run 750mg of test alone and break out pretty bad. I have also known guys who break out considerably bad while on tren, cystic acne, then guys that dont get one pimple even with a gram of tren a week.Much like the myth about "roid rage", complete BS. If you  are a jackass prior to using gear, then you will just be a bigger jackass when you hop on gear. From my experience, Anastrozole or Exemestane are very helpful with controlling acne while on cycle and off.


Big Dan T

New member

Thanx dude, I was talking to my buddy today and he said them same thing... I only got two weeks left on this cycle, so the next one I'll use my AI... I have Arimidex... I was told .5mg EOD... he also suggested I get witch hazel



New member

No problem bro, now with the AI dosing, there is no really standard protocol. You have to find your "sweet spot" as each of our bodies function differently, and the only TRUE way to gauge estrogen is by getting blood work done. I will say this, START OFF WITH A LOW dose on the Adex. Estrogen is necessary for growth, you dont want to crash your estrogen levels, believe me. The joint pain, extremely dry skin, mood swings and NO SEX DRIVE will not be fun. 
