Advice please


New member

I've been away from training for 2 years, and have started again while taking 1 ml of Tri test a week.

I'll probably only do it for 10 weeks until the bottle ends.

I'm thinking that, even on that low dose, I may be wise in doing some PCT.

I'd be grateful for some advice on what, and how much to take. Also if some of the advertised UK based companies on here stock whatever you advise.

Thank you in advance.





im going to give you some advice here james ,

anywhere else almost if you came with this question you would be flamed ,and maybe if you with stood the flamming you would get advice ...

ok  IM NOT GOING TO SPOON FEED YOU , but you are going to meet me in the middle  ok?????

you ALWAYS NEED A PCT UNLESS OF COURSE YOU ARE CRUISING  ...  so go make a propper introduction in new members , so we can properly welcome you  , then i will help you , with getting your pct together  ... OR DROPPING OUT OF THIS CYCLE ALL TOGETHER  , and putting together and running a propper cycle the ball is in your court !  you want to get educated , and learn and make this a way of life or do you want to continue doing damage to your self and i assure you that if there is not a diet a REAL.DIET PUT TOGETHER TO MEET YOUR GOALS AND A TRAINING PROGRAM  ..YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY   ...




New member

Thanks Siegmund

I've made an introductory post here

I've put in as much honest information as I can.

Hopefully it isn't so honest that I get flamed relentlessly 




thankyou and there is no flaming here my friend your looking for guidence and help  and your a honest man  ... 

so that will you get honest help :))  ill have to talk to you tonight  im running late for work 




In my opinion you will be fine without formal PCT but you would be happier if you did formal PCT.

That said I would advise setting it aside now and planning for a proper cycle. Research some,order your product...including your Clomid and Nolvadex in advance for your PCT.....then give it a true run.

This is based on not having yet read your bio.    Just my thoughts on the general question for what it's worth.
