Anabolic ThresHOLD




The anabolic Threshold ,what are your guys thoughts on this.Doing test prop would it have more of an advantage to do eod or ED.I know the half life of prop is about 48 hours.I understand with ed injections you would have more stable blood levels,so would eod push pass the anabolic thresh hold assuming you were doing 700mg a week 100 ED or Like 175 eod would their be a difference.Looking forward 2 responses and the chance 2 get a little wiser lmAO(sorry if the question is formatted weird)




I will answer this with my experience right now ,,IMO nothing beats ed ,pins ,hands down ,I went EOD ,due to the slight pip I'm encointeringnand also 7 weeks I pinned ed ,so I'm a little burnt out now ,and EOD pins feel real good right now




Good topic Dont_trip.

Based on it's half life, Prop can remain in your system for up to 48 hours without loosing its effectiveness. However, personally I find that ED pokes maintain a much stable blood level. The problem most folks have is the ED pokes, especially for those who are somewhat pin shy. Running a blast cycle with short esters is all I do most of the time since the recovery time is far less that a long drawn out 3 month cycle.



New member

The thing is you dont want to take your interval to the half life point.  Just like a TestE cycle youd pin that every 4 days right ?  Well thats way less than the half life. So test prop could be done EOD but as you said blood levels would rise and fall, this is usually when guys get moody, get acne or have a hard time with estro because their AI timing doesnt match.

   All that being said I am still a big proponent of actually trying it out , because your body may handle it well, or then again maybe not. You can always run it one way then switch it up a bit to see.

  Also I believe its rarely considered because people see it as a long estered compound, but if you treat sustanon like a short ester and pin it three times a week you will get great results. Just mentioning this because its a nice alternative when trying to run short esters , and the thought of every day poking isnt tickling you to death.




As always getting great information. Well I think I'm going to experiment with ED injections.I have also come 2 find going in 1.5/2 ml of prop the range you find quiet a bit more pip.So Ed injections seem to be the ticket.While getting stable bloods.Now one more question that I have,I plan on getting bloods havent made the time to do it,but out of curiosity 100mg's of test prop wold raise your testosterone to what in the 48hours till it degrades I no everyone is different but do either of you have a rough estimate?
