Any females on here wanting to share experience with steroids?


New member

Hello to all females interested in serious or even  recreational weightlifting!

I would be happy to hear whats you favorite compound to cycle and why. Also what dosage do you usually need in regards to using turinabol or anavar?? I seem to need pretty high dosages, and was wondering are there any girl out there that same as myself is not very responsive... What is quite unlucky.




New member

hi and welcome!

most females i know are using anavar or tbol at 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening. seeing great results.

what is your cycle history?

feel free to PM me if you need any advice as i have alot of female clients running both compounds. and also primobolan



New member

5 mg??? I must be a freak then;(! Why I need so much to see gains? So strange. No anabolic city, I need min20 mg of t bol or 30-50 mg of var. And we'll I told you this in previous threads anyway. Hello, any endocrinologist on here? I could use a scientific explanation how come I do not respond to normal doses? I don't mind paying for stuff. It's not about money. It's just worries me at tines why I need so much of it? Milkin? 
