Best Acne advices?


Well-known member

blastthru23 said:
</p><p>When I get zits in strange places, I take an aro or adex, and it clears up pretty quickly</p><p>
</p><p>So agree.. but if you run out... got to love that windex though. Yes I said windex. Get a cloth with windex on rub your whole body down with it before bed it will close all your pores when sleeping helps with those night sweets (tren). Then use dawn sope in the shower every 3 day in the morning.. just a bro secret.. enjoy :) </p><p> </p>



I still use accutane, I've never had any problems with it! It affects everyone different but if you have bad acne it's worth a try.... I do get angry and violent sometimes... that's the only side effect I get... some people don't like it, but I'm a proponent of it! Zewis recommendation is your best route first and foremost.. accutane if ALL else fails



New member

Accutane helps with security. As sure as the amen in the church. However, it is sometimes associated with strong side effects.
