Biceps Tenodesis


New member

I take it you mean tendonitis?? I have had it several times at the base of my bicep on the inside of the elbow joint where the forearm meets the bicep. Rest and ice is the key. I feel your pain. It's a burning sensation, but you really have to stay off it and give it rest. Like I said earlier, 20 minutes of ice at a stretch is very helpful. I've also recently taken some growth hormone precursers that have helped, too. Namely GHRP-6 and CJC-1295. They're injectable with an insulin syringe.




FoxSky said:
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<div id="post_message_42090">No...I meant is a surgical procedure ....</div>
<p>?????? no......</p>


New member

FoxSky said:
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<div id="post_message_42090">No...I meant is a surgical procedure ....</div>
<p>tenodesis is the surgical procedure for treatment of bicep tendonitis of the shoulder.<br /> <br /> I do not have personal experience with the actual surgery, but hear about all kinds of bros who have had these kinds of surgeries. Bad shoulders suck ass.<br /> <br /> I myself have a bad shoulder which at one point felt like bicipital tendonitis... terrible shoulder and bicep pain. I had thought about surgery, but decided to take some time off and then ease back into it. I rushed it the first time which was a mistake. Rest and physiotherapy is the only way, light weights/rubber cables<br /> <br /> Did your Dr. prescribe this surgery as an option? Or your looking for a cure for what you believe you have? Surgery is drastic, but I'm sure you already know that. Recovery for that kind of surgery is long, most say like up to 8mnths to a year off. Rest and physio would be half that, unless its not an option at this point.<br /> <br /> Sorry I can't give actual personal experience.<br /> <br /> Good luck.</p>


New member

Thanks for a knowledgeable answer!
It is not for myself I am asking but for a friend who was told this surgery was necessary.




it's funny cause alot of guys i know complain about knees and lower back...i think this is their way of excusing themselves for the lack of lower bodywork and squats....they all prefer to bench.....i myself prefer to deadlift and squat cause i have experienced some shoulder problems and rotator injury, through weights and rugby....
