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Hi! My name is Finbar. I'm 55, 5'10' 275lbs (down from 375). Recently divorced I started lifting again. I decided to do a cycle first time in 3 decades, and thanks to some great advice from members here have altered my cycle to  500mg per week test e, 50mg's anavar a day (yes 80 would be better but have to go with what I have for now). My dumbbell incline bench is up to 60lbs each arm. I noticed a large bruise with a small knot under it on my abdomen (not working abs yet), then 2 more smaller ones there. I cut my aspirin for now but am puzzled. I haven't bumped the weights to myself. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!




I'd go to the doctor and let em check you out and make sure its not a hernia. I had something similar, but it was on my arm, and caused by an injection going sub q. Also my skin around it was red and warm to the touch, but I'm sure you haven't injected anywhere near your abdomen.



New member

No. No problem injecting into the thigh. It's over an hours drive to the VA hospital in Wilkes barre Pa, and God knows when they could get me in there. I looked at hernia & broken capillary images, and it definitely not a hernia (at least it doesn't resemble anything in those pics). It does look like the bruise caused by a broken capillary. Excellent advice though Dolfanshan. If it happens again, or doesn't clear up I'll go to a walk in medic place they have about 20 miles away and pay cash. Thanks again.



New member

Hey bro, are you lifting heavy on legs? Squats or deadlifts? You could have aggravated or torn stomach tissue, as abs are nothing to play with. Be careful with the heavy weights and build up some endurance training until you figure out what is causing the issue. I have some ebooks that could help you out with programs to build lean new muscle that won't drop with the water. Also, running any pct on cycle? Dosage of e is low and doesn't require it, but I always keep something in the system to keep my natural test in swing... Good luck bro and be careful.



New member

Thanks sife3! Not working legs yet, as I was nearly 400 lbs and they are freakishly already built. I am trying to lose weight to get to the point I could get laid for a change as my ex is. I know it's not a hernia as it would have to be a hiatal hernia and I have none of the symptoms. Dolf was kind enough to re work my cycle to that aim, and the cycle kit I bought came with adex liquid. I have backed it down to .25 eod from .50. He's talked me out of t3. I have lttle energy so I wanted to try it. The low keto diet is the only one I can really stick to. I am a boat canvas fabricator so I'm broke this time of year. In April I'd like to try hgh between cycles. I would appreciate and will read anything so I'll pm my email and it would be really appreciated. I use aspirin and have read it weakens the walls of the veins. I backed down a bit on the weight and it hasent happened again since, although the knots are still present just under the skin and fat layer. Thanks!.




The keto diet is most likely your cause of low energy levels. How long have you been on the keto diet, and how much fat intake do you have on the diet? Are you carb loading one day a week?



New member

3 months, and I have not been doing the 1 or 2 day carb loading. I have tried this in the past and it completely threw me off the diet. Once I start cab loading my hunger goes off the rails and find it impossible to get back on track. Carbs also seem to knock me out. I have upped my fat intake as you suggested. It did seem to help. Once I begin my workout I do get energy from it. I believe the real problem is my terrible sleep pattern as of late. Segmented sleep. 2 hours then awake staring at the ceiling trying to get back to sleep. Up 6 more down 4. It's crazy. I would just like to get another 50 lbs off, while adding muscle, then I can attempt to carb load. I read over and over how while burning fat in ketosis more energy is experienced. Another 2 months and I will again attempt to carb load one day a week, but I find it difficult and seem to go through withdrawl after loading, then attempting to stop.




Carb loading is essential. You're wasting your time doing any low carb diet if you don't carb load. Without carbs after so long your body will begin to store fat and burn muscle. Any diet takes some discipline and dedication. How bad do you want to reach your goals is what you need to ask yourself.




1 day a week. Lower the protein and fats and raise the carbs. 




After so long without carbs the body goes in panic mode. It quits burning fat for energy and stores it for harder times. With no carbs, and storing fat it only leaves one thing for it to use for energy. That's muscle. The carb load day makes your body say oh ok I'm getting carbs everything is good. These diets have been around for quite some time now and a lot of studies have been done to make them very effective. 




Eat as many carbs as you'd like. Most people are ready to eat lots of carbs by the time that day rolls around lol



New member

I didn't even wait for your second post about low calorie! lol. I had a peanut butter sandwich, a pizza for one, 6 mini tacos, and a pint of milk. I sat on the john this morning and happened to look at my stomach. It looks like I gained 20lbs back overnight! Holy cow it blew right up. Next Thurs I'll opt for some low cal simple carbs I guess.




Yeah don't over do it. Eat some simple and complex carbs. If you want a honey bun or a piece of pie do it, but don't go crazy with it. Its not a cheat day its a carb loading day :) IMO though you'd be better served dieting by clean eating. That's a better long term dieting option. Keto to me is for the guy that's in the12 to 15% bf range and is trying to cut below 10% bf.
