Buddy had bloodwork at his GP




So a friend of mine is using a home brew from a source whos on here but not very popular but very good. He should be a lot more popular than what he is. Like an idiot he goes to his general practioner asking for Cialis. so of course they do blood work on him and check his test levels.

today he got his results back and she tells him "your test levels are through the roof and we can no longer treat you or provide you medication here because your on steroids" lololol.

My reason for posting this is because not gonna lie I was skeptical as to legitimacy of underground products.....but his results don't lie. A lot of this shit is 100% the real deal and should be treated as such.

I plan to get blood work done myself very soon.

BTW this home brew was from raws ordered from source on here. and the home brew is the ONLY thing hes been using so its only explantion as to his T levels
