crashed gear



Yeah, this is the second vial that crashed, but the mast didn't take so much heat and time. Because the tne dbol didn't work with the same method, i thought i would have to put ba or oil in it to resus it. I checked it again when i got home, and looks like I'll have to do it again next week. Love the stuff, but limiting it to no more than twice weekly.



New member

here's my method and it worked on my DBol tne from xxx pharma   I took the vial and turn the stove burner on to a set desire heat ... Took a needle and vented the vial as it heated up the crashed gear came back to normal hormone oil !  I had to do this ever time I used it because it crystallized so fast 




Bigtest.. No need to mention the Pharma..  I have not heard of them and maybe i'm wrong but your track record is to mention sources in open forum. Please don't.  

I'm sure its a mistake but you have been told this many times...



New member

Did not mention a actual source !!! So tech. I didn't ! Dolf has warned me and I got the pic ! That was a hint to the question for maybe he would catch on and no that this sources. Tne DBol does that it's just how strong he brews !!!  Thanks tho bro !!  



New member

 it's the most effective and fastest way to go ahead and pin amd carry on with daily activities !!  Any other way seems just to much time !!! Which dealing with gear and anything gym I'm in for the long haul !!! I love this life style and wouldn't turn back for nothing !  Never felt better !!! 




Twice a week is a good dose. Too much snd you can run your t levels up pretty quick, and you kinda get immune to the effects.




Damn it bigtest!!! Just messing with you : ) still too much info my man, but you've done good for a while now. Just keep a handle on it brotha.




Same here bigtest! I love the gym rat/bb lifestyle. Someone the other day was arguing that getting strong (and big) is a waste of time, vain, and makes u look gross, and why do you need tp be so strong? Well, yesterday, i fucking pushed a fuckin truck out of a godamm ditch with the help of a couple friends, i had to get positioned underneathe the rear bumper and fucking push the backend up so the tire could  grad onto o rock while the other dudes pushed the truck forward. None of them could have lifted the truck, neither could the skinny fat bastard telling me its a waste of time. There are countless daily uses for strength and endurance, besides that, I'm never sick or depressed, i fuck like a beast, and my mind is clear. Fuck people who say our lifestyle is a waste of time!




I'm five weeks, maybe six weeks out from next cycle so this'll be the last week pinning tne in order to clear the receptors for the next go. Also taking my daughter camping for ten days too which will give me a bit of a break too. I still need to get my diet plan adjusted for the next cycle...should clock in at 12% bf by then, hopefully a tad less. Guess I'm off topic, oops,  hate doing that, must be the morning caffeine! 
