


Foot in MouthYep...I am pre-"the change" and started my var cycle 5 days ago. I am cutting so trying to keep carbs down and keep things clean.  I am craving bread...lots of it.  Is it strange that I was sniffing bags of bread in the store this morning???


Thoughts on how to control these cravings...I have tried other clean foods but it doesnt work.




When I cut I crave carbs..... I love to sniff protien powders, the sight of bread makes my mouth water, loved the smell of instant potatoes.... I controlled it by staying away from temptation.... Its hard cause it EVERYWHERE.... My wife had to shop for us.... It was hard, and its a struggle. But once you see the results from your'll forget them.




New member

Yeah, the first 2 weeks are the hardest for me, but then my body seems to prefer fats instead of carbs for energy. And I actually feel better, don't get sleepy midday etc.

And of course, seeing my abs reappear is always a nice bit of motivation ;)




Yea..... Pork chops get me, I slipped one day running a cut cycle and ate 6 good size pork chops and my bp went through roof. And shit the energy I got also... Yea the results are worth it.... Watched Lee priest go through bulk then cut and it was amazing and informative.



New member

I think I saw the same video about Lee Priest. That shit is incredible, dude is just a freak. Met him at the Arnold Classic one year, pretty cool guy.

But yeah, the level of conditioning he brought was spectacular, he's definitely one of my favs along with Frank Zane and Arnold.





l-glutamine does help most people to curb the sugar/carb cravings. Powder form with a shake I found to work best.

500-1000mg 3-4 times daily. Very cheap! You brain uses it for fuel instead and cuts off the cravings. Great for those who are trying to cut alcohol out of their lives as well. Alcohol in all forms is pure sugar!

I am cutting weight on a regular basis so I know it works for me.




Take it during the day when your sugar levels are the lowest and see how it works.

Give it a try and let all your friends know how it works for you! ;)




Lee don't play when he bulks, in talking 2 plus large pizzas, seen an article where he would eat 6 cheese burgers at one time, then cut the shit outta that bulk..... Impressive. Had some cycles he'd run and they are pretty raw cycles. Another thing I was lookin at was blast and cruise.... Ronny Coleman....




There are multiple supplements that can be taken to overcome the addictive craving for sugar. Some work better than others. In my personal experience I have always went to glutamine because it is simple and cheap.

A nice side benefit to it is that it promotes and speeds recovery as well.

The brain is a tricky, stingy little beast. Sometimes we have to kick it back in line! ;)


Big Nasty

New member

heard about Glutamine for use in reducing carb cravings. I will def try this because I am the type that craves what I know I can't have.. Carbs being one the the top 3.... The craving is real.... Sometimes I think I would kill for a bowl of pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, etc.... Its a total mind fuck for sure... I was raised by my grandparents so everything was fried, potatoes was a staple at every meal, and all of it was DAMN GOOD... I ate like this nearly my whole life and was lean until early 30's, then progressively got fatter each year into my 40's. Now I'm spending the rest of my time here on earth unfrocking myself and relearning to eat cleaner and gain lean mass. Love the gym rat lifestyle but eating is my nemesis.  Thanks for the tip. 




Weight class based sports are a different beast and sometimes what we do is not necessarily healthy when it comes to making weight. If you are looking to maintain strength, conditioning and overall wellness it is important to research and understand how hydration and dehydration effect the body.

Most here will not experience the unhealthy sides of cutting weight but it is still important to understand how to do it right. Hydration is important but weight class athletes will dehydrate themselves very quickly just for a weigh in. I remain fully hydrated until 24 hours before weigh in but I can offer some experience in how to cut weight the right way long term. Remaining fully hydrated actually will help you in your cut because as most know when you are fully hydrated your body will NOT retain water and flushes all excess water. Maximum hydration is the key to a successful cut. If you are drinking less than 1.5 gallons a day you are not drinking enough. If you are not sweating you are not hydrating!

Read up on the hormone vasopressin.





But on the flip side some research shows that low levels will also cause the same results. Have to get to the all important "Balance".




That's some great information! Science! I'm  learning the science behind what we do! Hydration is so very essential! I'm working on my next cut plan. Preserving mass will be my main focus. I hate cutting, and I love the hell out of bulking!




Ugh...water is my nemesis....I dont drink nearly enough.  Maybe 5 glasses a day, if I'm lucky...I'm never thirsty.
