


This may be a little early to begin planning, but I like to ruminate over ideas; let them marinate in the cognitive workings of thought. Besides, meat tastes better that way...

I'm almost 3/4 finished with a 16 week cycle. I was originally planning to take 16+ weeks between cycles, as this is the usual way to go about things; 16 weeks on 16 weeks off. However, i got to thinking about the future, and I realized that i would start a new cycle smack dab in the middle of my daughter's summer break. Not a good time to cycle since there'll be camping trips etc.

So, i thought, "hmmm, maybe cruise for 8, and do a 6-8 week blast, maybe a high mg test only, or that plus an oral like dbol or var, and cruise again until September..."  Otherwise, I'd cruise from January through September, which to me seems a little wasteful of the gains made during this cycle. It would be a full 9 month cruise if i weren't to incorporate a blast in between.

This cycle ends between xmas, and new years, and has consisted of test, drol, tren, mast, and ghrp. Its in the cycle logs for reference.





Blast time off equaling time on is always best, but sometimes life throws us a curve ball. When that happens you gotta do what you gotta do. I wouldn't go any less than 8 weeks. You can always get bloods to see where you are, and after 8 weeks they say you're fine then there's no worries at all.




Sounds good thanks Dolf! What I'll do is get the calendar out and just where i could start to get the most down time before a blast.




Looks like i can eek out about 12 weeks for a cruise before a quick blast, cutting it kind of close, but it'll work. Leaning toward a test/dbol blast...




Like space, I'm pretty damn sure life is curved, then there's sliders, change ups breaking balls, and yep, the good ole fast ball!




I've run 250mgs weekly split into two 125mg shots. Looking to blast possibly 1gr test with dbol or a dht compound for 8 weeks starting in march/april.
