Cruising on primo and hgh


New member

Have any of yall cruised on trt dose test and primo  hgh? I'm cruising right now on 200 mg of test 300mg of primo and 5ius of hgh and I'm loving it so far have any of you tried this and what's your thoughts? And the 5ius hgh is every day.



New member

 bro we are like the same age practically why aren't you cycling on and off ? your gonna have a shot out HTPA system ? If you don't already 




What's up tireguy? Not sure I'd call that a cruise brotha. 200 to 250mg test and 2iu of hgh I'd call cruising. Just keep an eye on your bp and get bloods every now and then to check your cholesterol. 



New member

The reason I don't cycle on and off is I have been Trt since I was 30 my natural leve at 30 were 350 not terrible if I was fifty or sixty but bad for 30 I know I'm Trt for the rest of my life and I'm good with that the reason for primo is there is a lot of good reading out there that it's one of the few steroids with virtually zero sides.



New member

What's up brotha, yea blood pressure is up a bit since adding gh not bad but a little I'm in the 140 over 75 range usually in the am I give blood for Trt doc every six months I just gave it on Friday I'm interested to see what it comes back at.
