Cycle advise


New member
My last cycle was a test e and deca , test e was 500 a week and deca was 400 a week ,, and for my next cycle I was thinking of stacking something else,, can anyone help me out on what would be a good product to include??


Well-known member
Tren is always the answer
If you have any questions about why then steroids aren’t really for you 🤣🤣🤣
Happy to help if you want


New member
I've used tren in the past and the mental side effects weren't good,, I really want to avoid tren


New member
Never used mast ,,, I used tren e 250 twice a week along with test e 250 twice a week , gains were great stamina threw the roof , but it messed with my head , it could be because I have anxiety, depression, and diagnosed bipolar 2 , so I was looking for something with less side effects.