Cycle amount help

I am the 1

New member

What's going on? Im new here. I have been working out for about 10 years. I'm 6'8,  300 pounds with around a 15% body fat. I have been taking 300ml/ week test c. Im on my 3rd 10 week cycle. I want to add deca. I will be taking pct, amirdex, and caber. What's is a good ratio of test c and deca. I have several things about 1:1 or 1:1.25( deca:test c). What are some of you all doing?  Is want to increase my bench press and put on about 15-20 pounds.




and let's see 10-15lbs you will get that in water weight, now lean mass 5-15lbs is a good solid realistic  goal....They usually run test deca 2:1 ratio so say 800mg test C 400mg Deca....


I am the 1

New member

Unfortunately yes somehow my diet got off when my wife got pregnant and had kids. The bad thing is that was 4 years ago, but I'm trying to get it back on point.  



New member

6'8" 300 lbs with 15% BF....bro, you need to be a wrestler, a pro basketball player, a hockey goalie, a MMA fighter, the skies the limit, not making fun, but that's impressive. Be whatever you want to be and dare a mofo to doubt you. That's whats up!




No bro, no criticism intended. We don't do that here. I was commenting because I think your bf would be much greater than 15% at those dimensions. You will do fine if you get on a good solid routine and keep the diet in check.




As milkin said we dont criticize here , its just not everyday you , run into  hulk hogan , how old are you???,   you mentioned , pct so your not trt ,, why 3 cycles at 300mg a week ??? And I would like to see a I pic , , and by no means am I bashing , but its not everyday a person runs into these stats , and at 15 % bf ,that is beast mode most deffently ,  ,, I will be looking forward to seeing your pic in our , pitcher forum ,, with a piece of paper saying , now what sieg !!! And like I said ,isnt ed , a person see these stats , im impressed sorry , and I like seeing ,,  ,, all my respect sieg


I am the 1

New member

I took 300mg to see what type of affect it would have on my body. I'm 36. I will try to post a picture before the month is out.




Not sure about British Dragon. Secondly its against forum rules to discuss sources in open forums. You can mention labs but not source. Thirdly there are at least 3 top 10 international sources with caber currently in stock. Get the phizer caber.


I am the 1

New member

I have 2 question. I have been reading and its about 50/50. Some say British dragon has gone out of business and some say Bristish dragon is still around. Does anybody know if Bristish Dragon is still around? Where can I find some caber? 




Its all good. Browse through the top international sources and you will find what your looking for.





Its not the original BD. I haven't used it, but hearsay is that its not as good as the original...
