Cycle help for the old man in the room


New member

So I'm 43 and I'm l trying to build a cycle , just got approved for TRT @ 200mg Cyp , I have 30cc Watson. I would like to implement some orals however I am prone to high RBC and high BP , I'm just getting done with physical therapy, had multi level spinal fusion , an ankle micro fracture and all the tendonitis one would get from raw powerlifting for 10 years, I would like to build up the 25 or so pounds I've lost in the past 18 months any thoughts on orals , pct, dose, would be greatly appreciated. 


286lbs 18% (fat bastard)

21" arms pumped (down 2)

Bench 455lb (down from 600)




Hey brotha go make an intro and introduce yourself to the community so everyone can get to know you.

What experience do you have cycling, and with what compounds?

If you're trt now you'll never pct again my man.
