Damn I hate the dentist



In the last month I have spent 1300 dollars on the dentist....I grind my teeth at night so Its really easy for me to get cavities....12 fricken cavity I have insurance but it was 75$ a cavity.....plust 250 for a mouth guard at nightd and 200 for my wife dental work LOL...thank god for dental insurance but I am all done....Dentist pissed me off because most of those cavities took 30 seconds for them to fix bastards hung me out 2 dry....oh well bout to put in an order for a good amount of var....SOB


Do what I did ,, the ones that didnt get knocked out , and the ones that didnt get brittle and break from root canals , which wasnt many I had pulled , had plates , but went to implants ,, it was funny the plates never worked , lol I was walking home one night In the band lands , I sneezed and when I sneezed my teeth went flying out , im on my hands and knees looking for them , the cops pull in , hey buddy your geaking , im like no im looking for my teeth !!!! There like right , well they put spot light on and sure enough the cop seen my teeth in the soot .

Another time just got out of the joint went to a rough joint for drinks , well im trying to get laid , im diesel etc , anyway I guess I nodded out at bar this chick is shaking me going hey buddy , now my thinking mr macho is she wants to , you know , shes like your teeth , im like wtf you saying , shes like your fucking teeth are on the floor !!!!asshole , im like , ahhhh I picked up my teeth and never went back.


Hey dt did they give you any advice to stop the grinding other than the mouthguard? I do the same thing. At one point I could hardly eat my jaw hurt so bad.


other than muscle relaxers you have to get the mouthguard my brother I grinded through the dentin in my teeth so I get cavities easy it sucks


New member
I tend clench and grind my teeth when lifting. Just had to get a crown put on as I broke a filling. When I'm consciously trying not to clench, I end up poking my tongue out looking like a weirdo. Worry that wearing a mouth guard would look even weirder. Anyone wear a mouth guard to the gym? Are there low profile ones? Where do you even get them?