Delay in Cycle



My surgeon called me last night....I spoke with his nurse on Friday for my upcoming procedure that I am having on the 5th (this coming Friday).  He told me to hold off on my next cycle until I am at least one week post op. (I am open with him, he said that he has a lot of clients that are using aas) For a few reasons, 1) Reaction,  I havent used these compounds before and he is wanting my body free from medication at the time of procedure and for the first week post op, 2) Healing, Its been proven that I am a poor healer.  He did research on proviron and it shows that it can slow the clotting time.  Not something I need with a huge wound on my inner leg that is coming (4-5 inch incision from just above my inner knee to mid calve) 3) Pain level, he is concerned that since I have never used the compounds if they would interfere with the medication he has to give me to make me loopy.  Im only doing valium, but I am so anxious about this that he is going to have other meds on hand just in case. (I suggested tequila and a sledgehammer, but I dont think he took me seriously)
It pains me to say that I need to wait at least two more weeks, but I just cannot go through the healing that I went through with the other ones.  Although this isnt as invasive as the surgeries previous, I dont want to take a chance.  It's bad enough I will be out of the gym for 10 days. 
I know I posted my cycle already and I plan on doing that cycle...but I need to have this procedure done first as I have some obvious asymmetry from my medial thigh lift that I paid cash for.
Thoughts? Is that ok since I already posted my cycle?

In the famous words of Bill Belichick "I dont want to misinterpret the rules" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
(Sorry, this is a Bronco house)




Well of course it is sharon. It's your body, your cycle, and health and safety always comes first : )




+2 sharon ,

Cycles get delayed all the time , i commend you for being patient and not taking any chances or injury and putting health first.   




Thank you.  Waiting two weeks and getting back in to it or waiting 6-8 weeks to heal if I my incision goes wonky, which could still happen, but it would be better if my body was clean before surgery.

I appreciate the understanding....I'm anxious to get started, but I want to be able give 100% when I do.  I will just start my diet as planned.....




Definitely a great decision. Don't rush things for sure, they're are many things more important than a cycle & health is definitely 1 of them! +1




Sharon, while you are waiting for the go ahead from the Dr, keep reading up on the need for Proviron in your cycle.

I doubt it is an important part of your cycle, it may just be something to just have around for you and the hubby on date night.


Sharon, of course you can change your cycle even after having posted it. We all want you to be healthy and happy. 


Clint Gymrat

New member

Don't chance it especially if you're already anxious. I was running a hard cycle last year and had to have my wisdom teeth extracted. The surgeon said he had never seen anyone take as much laughing gas as I had and it not affect them in anyway. The gas did nothing to me. Not sure if the gear had any correlation or not but even the pain medication didn't work and the healing was a week behind his schedule. I worried myself to death over the interactions of everything I was on. Looking back at it now it wasnt worth the worries. Hope you have a speedy recovery and that you're back at it in no time at all. 




Thank you for sharing this information......made me feel better about delaying things for a couple of weeks. 

I have a major phobia with dentists...I get laughing gas to get a cleaning...
