down vote



Down voting ,gentlemen we have rules set up in place for stability ,,one rule is down voting ,,OK I noticed that I was down voted from 227 to 226 ,and'im perfectly fine with that ,but ,please let me know why I was down voted ,,so I can use it as a learning experience ,,and grow from it ,, and please don't say whoever ,down voted me did it because they disagree on something with me ,,if I down vote and I only ever did it once ,I gave a explanation ,why I down voted a brother and it wasn't because I did agreed ,it was because of straight up disrespect 




Should never neg someone unless you truly feel it is needed.And like you said explain to the man so he can learn.I still cant believe one of the leaders here was negging another great dude like that.TBH it really PISSES me off 2 see someone act like that.I lost alot of respect for that member. (sorry Sieg venting)I want 2 lay this 2 rest and hope we can all learn from it




Clashing personalities and hormones are a motherfucker! Just trying to cast a little humor on a tense situation.




its funny  its true  think the guy over did the tren and just went crazy lol




Good point maybe :) but seriously I was down voted yes only 1 point ,and its nothing believe me ,,but I don't like a phantom negger ,step up claim and say why ,and if the fact is the fact ,I can accept that ,like a man ,,but don't mysteriously neg and hide in the shadows ,tell me y ,,,so myself and others can learn ,, right or wrong ???? And I can't find the post :(( it has to be a very old post ,but I could have missed it




There have been instances where page scrolling, via mobile browsing, has resulted in accidental voting. Hold tight, MG  mobile is in the works.



New member

Ive often said a downvote should have a name attached. If a person is willing to neg then they should stand by that not hide behind anonymity.

  I belong to another site where you actually get a pm saying "member x has added or taken away points for this comment , and then it gives the person a place to add a message.




The way it should be ,if I do something wrong let me know ,what it is ,so I can correct it ,,or appeal it 
