E2. Getting acquainted



In the past, I've only run prop at 350/week. E2 sides were quite scant if anything.  I'd pop an adex "just in case" every once in awhile. Now I'm running a gram of prop per week. Quite a different story. Here is the pattern  I'm noticing thus far: First, my emotions get a bit up and down; one minute I'm feeling nostalgic, thinking of all the wonderful times I've had with my daughter, I hear a song that reminds me of her and like magic, the waterworks turn on. Later, I start feeling aggressive,  then goofy, then back to nostalgia. I may even get overly lovey dovey with my gf, then get pissed at shit in the news. Whoa nelly! I'll admit, I kind of enjoy the ride. A day or two later, my hands feel swollen, and maybe a little lethargy sets in. Hmmm, must be the ghrp...Nope! Pop an aro, and the feet are back on the ground, pissing like a race horse, and anything on legs looks worth mounting, hands deflate in 36 hours, and my face doesn't feel like a fucking balloon... Getting to know you, E2...




Well-known member

The experience will add to your knowledge base and you can help others. ;) The next time you feel like your E2 is elevated pop in and get bloods drawn so you know what the numbers look like in comparison to the physical/emotional sides. Some experienced people I know can tell you within a margin of error what their E2 level is based on their supplementation regimen and physical/emotion sides.

Dolf has shared before that he crashed his estro on purpose just to know and learn from the experience. 

Keep truckin' Berserker.





Gonna keep truckin, like the proverbial doodah man! Gotta hand it to Dolf, crashing estro, cold turkey receptor clearing, dudes hard core. Maybe its just you Marines, straight fuckin fearless, the USA version of Norse Berserkers!





It's great experience for you blast. Aro is the only way to roll at 1gram of test per week. Start learning your early warning signs of elevating e2 so you can recognize it early and jump on top of it. Anytime your e2 is over 80 you're hampering your gains. A word to the wise...never under any circumstances watch Old Yeller with elevated e2! : )



Well-known member

Rangers are made.... Marines are Chosen (Chosin) ;)

The Army's X Corps owe their lives to a bunch of Jarheads! 




I read Chesty Pullers book, and it was an excellent read. That man was hard as woodpecker lips and fearless like a lion. 

When surrounded in the Chosin Reservoir a tear streamed down his face, and he said " the poor bastards have surrounded themselves. Now we can kill them in every direction!" One of my favorite parts of the book. Also read Marine Sniper 4 times. Hathcock was a bad little man!



Well-known member

I still get the chills thinking about. Your post brought back that memory.

Because of MS and his small stature he was pretty frail at the time but his stare still could put any man to their knees.

Thanks for honoring him Dolf.... My E2 is not elevated but I just got a tear... peace out.





Amazing !!!! I have saved in my DVR a piece where Hathcock has 4 days to go before release and he went on a "suicide mission" Because he thought he was more qualified than the others... Crawling 300 yards over 3 days with no food or water...  You are living a full life SemperFi... Dinner with Hathcock....




Thanks Dolf, for your advice, and service! My uncle was 101st Airborne, badass dude for sure! 

Yeah, was listening to a song by Kenny Chesney about his daughter growing up the leaving home, whoo, that was a tear jerker! Funny how hormones work. Now that it's  back to "normal" and according to my gf, im horny and pissed off lol
