Fike Is Back Up In This Bitch! The Update


Brothers, I have had a very rough past few months and I actually forgot I made this account until scrolling through old emails. I like this board though, so I want to hop back on. I almost want to give another intro but I won’t do that.

Unfortunately, over the last several months some very unfortunate events happened in my family’s lives, mainly my wife and me. My wife was pregnant and lost the baby. This was our fourth miscarriage. This one was especially hard because she was so far along in the pregnancy. We went to the fertility doctor on a Monday and she was all good. Her heartbeat was strong and she was kicking her little legs and moving her arms all over the place. Her fingers and toes were even moving.

Three days later my wife got into an auto accident and we went to the hospital to get things checked out and they wouldn’t tell us anything at the ER concerning the baby. They just told us we needed to follow up with the baby doctor. We saw him the next day and when the ultrasound tech put the thing on her stomach we automatically knew she was no longer alive. All we could see was the outline of our deceased little girl. The doctor told us the auto accident had no cause in her death. She died the day before. It was heartbreaking for both of us and my Elizabeth has struggled so much this time. It’s been a very sad time for us. Depression, anxiety, and grief, has really affected us and I’ve been holding the family together. He self-confidence took a huge hit, because she put on weight and she has been worried that I didn’t love her anymore because we keep losing my child at no fault of her own. It got to the point to where she got it in her that that she wanted to leave me so I could find someone younger and in better shape that will be able to have my child and make me happy because she wants me to have a baby of my own. It has just been a heartbreaking time.

Thank God, though, she is so much better now and our relationship is stronger than ever. I’ve been getting counseling and she is doing the same. She is actually trying to get back in shape and work on herself more. She was baptized this past Sunday at church and we are moving on and going to keep trying as long as she wants to and her health is up to it.

I hope this all wasn’t too much information, but I wanted to share a little bit about where I’ve been and what I’ve been going through. It’s cathartic. I hope the rest of you are well and I’m going to try to participate more in some of my free time! Much love.


Well-known member
fuck... that's a sad story... so sorry you've had to go through that hell brother.
really hope the better side is around the corner for you brother.


Well-known member
Most members here know I let my girl read most posts here. Even though she's not an active member... She's still very much a member. I let her read this and she broke down crying. Her first initial response was to adopt. We're both parents, I have 2 she has 1, none together. But we both have friends who have adopted and... There's no difference in how much we love our kids than how they love theirs.
We both understand the want to have kids of your own... Trust me brother I get it. But... If continuing to try is tearing apart a healthy relationship... And breaking her mentally.
I don't think I've ever shared this here but my ex lost our first kid when she was 5 months pregnant. (I don't mean to say she lost it like it was her fault) but by 5 months we already told everyone, had lots of things bought... Rooms painted. It was rough. Fast forward a few months and she's pregnant with my now 11 year old son. But when she was pregnant with my daughter... Jesus... My ex was a diabetic, around the 6 months mark when she was pregnant with my daughter her health just started to nose dive. She couldn't keep any food down, she was losing weight and hair. Her blood sugar was all over the place her blood pressure was through the roof constantly. Around the 7 months mark it got really really bad. Her kidneys and heart were showing extreme signs of distress. My daughter was supposed to be born in early January. Then it was moved to a scheduled C-section December 20th. Well December 6th she was rushed into the hospital because her heart was working at 20% and hey kidneys were failing.
As we sat there in the ER. Waiting for the doctor to take my ex into surgery. My whole Mom, Dad and me holding my 5yo son my Ex coded right there on the bed. Middle of talking... Just went out. I'll never forget thinking... Damn I just lost both of them. The next few minutes were a mix of time moving faster than I ever thought possible and moving so slow I had complete conversations with myself in the time it took to blink. Apparently in that time I got dressed in scrubs and those funny shoe covers. I honestly have no memory of that. The next thing I remember is a nurse shoving me through a door and someone saying "ok you're going to feel some pressure" and I distinctly remember thinking "why would I feel pressured?"
Then I heard it... At that time... It was arguably the greatest sound I've ever heard... It was my ex crying. Once I realized she was in fact alive I snapped out of it. I looked around and realized they were performing a C-section. My ex was crying "she's going to be too small, she's going to be too small"
Because she was a full month premature and my ex hasn't had a decent meal in almost 2 months at this point. A few minutes later and I saw my daughter... All 7 pounds 11oz. She definitely wasn't too small... Had as many rolls as your average Walmart shopper 🤣😂.
Even though our relationship fell apart shortly after that... But that's another story... It's still one of the most stressful things I've ever been through.
And even though I might fuckin hate my ex now... She gave me 2 beautiful kids.

I don't share this story to compete or anything like that. Just sharing life experiences... Life gets hard at times but it's also fucking beautiful at others.
While I'm so sorry you and your wife have to go through this... I believe it will all work out for the best. My life was a big pile of dog shit for years... Some reasons were my fault and some weren't. But a big pile of shit non the less. A broken junkie who hated everything about himself... Now... I might be the happiest and luckiest guy on the planet. "You have to go through hell before you get to heaven" so hopefully your heaven is right around the corner brother.

I'm sure I speak for the rest of the group when I say we all want nothing but the best for you and your wife! I hope you remain an active member and keep us updated. Also... As far as boy names go .. Gainz is pretty good 😂🤣😂