First Bulk Cycle Questions


New member

I think it's time for me to try a real cycle. For the last 5 years I've been doing cycle 101...Test E and nothing else. I throw in HGH for tendon repair, and started the Anavar 1 month ago to help me lean out. But I haven't done a tried and true cycle to bulk up. I guess its because there are so many different opinions on the correct combination of steroids. I have a few questions though.

1. Why is Nolvadex only used for PCT vs. using Aromasin?
2. What do you think about pre-mixed products? (ie cut stack, Test blends, etc...)
3. Is there a way to get blood work done to monitor the positive and negative health risks without a doctor's scrip?
4. What are the realistic gains that can be kept after a bulk cycle? Put on 15 lbs, save 10 lbs. ?
5. What do you know about macro diets?
6. Is it possible to bulk up and lose vascular fat?
7. How many hours per week do I need to spend at the gym to get the most benefit from a bulking cycle?
8. I'm getting tired of pinning, but I understand the importance of injectable steroids. What orals would you recommend to reduce the amount of pinning per week and still benefit from AAS use?
9. I hear a lot on this site about watching different hormone levels and other blood work results. What do I really need to monitor to lower the negative side effects and reduce health risks?

Thanks for your help. I know you have been doing this a long time, that's why I'm turning to you guys.




1. There the same IMO

2. I don't use blends like sust, or test 400 due to pip issues.

3. Bloods can be done by going to Dr and request bloods... Due to patient confidentiality they can't disclose anything.

4. With proper diet and training.... You can keep most if not all of your gains.

5. Macros.... Also called macro nutrients. Are molecules that our bodies use to create energy for themselves primarily fat, protein and carbs. They are found in foods.

6. Depending on your diet and training.

7. As much as possible

8. In order to run a successful cycle you have to have a test base..... That's with all cycles. Orals like dbol add water weight and if you run alone you will piss 70% or more of your gains away.

9. Bloods are necessary to monitor a vast number of things while running a cycle. You need to monitor bp, test levels, LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), total testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol.






1 )xan be debated , 

2)pre mixed are garbage or imo garbage the ratios are to unpredictable and what ic said about pip

3) dont understand the question , but theres privte med labs .com and more 

4)i ran a cycle , came off cycle increased training and nutrition and put more size on ..depends on your committement 

5) enough to grow 

6)diet dependent 

7) it de0ends imo on what you got , i have my size , i personally dont need to much to maintain it , person dependent  imo

8) pinning comes with the territory get use to it or get out.  being honest and real here 

9) to vast a field to answer , everything 

now i got a question and not a smart ass question but a honest question.  

5 cycles and you say , now you want bulk , test e or c is a bulking cycle ..

my question is you have 5 cycles thats should be a minium of 60 weeks. and if time on matched time off thats 120 weeks ..scratching my head you should have a suit case of experience , and by far know your questions.  what happened ????




1. Nolva is a serm and does absolutely nothing to get rid of estro. It only blocks your receptors  (primarily at the breast tissue) from accepting the aromatase enzyme. Aro is a type 1 suicide inhibitor. Aro actually kills the aromatase enzyme. There's a huge difference between the two. Nolva was used by old school guys before ai's existed.

2. Blends are not as good as using the products individually since individually you can make adjustments to each compound, but blend allow you to pin 1ml ed vs 2.5 to 3ml ed.


4. You'll always lose some gains after a bulk, but a spot on good diet, and a good pct will dictate how much you keep.

5. If you mean it's a "if it fits your macros" diet they're crap imo.

6. Steroids with a good diet make it possible.

7. It's not necessarily the amount of time, but more the effort put forward

8. No orals can reduce the amount of pinning. If your gonna play this game get used to pinning.

9. Getting the full panel is always best, but at the very least total test, free test, and estrodiol. Your lipids as well.  



New member

I have been running test-e for 5 years. Cruising for TRT most of the time, and running about 3 cycles per year at 500 per week. Running a business has kept me from being able to commit to a serious gym regiment. I recently sold my business and went to work for a very large firm in management. This has given me my life back and I can now have a normal work week with plenty of time to go to the gym everyday if I want to. So now I am a student of AAS use and striving to get the physique I've always dreamed about. 90% of my education is here at MG and I read books about health and nutrition. I try to lay low, read the posts and research the different terms I see on this site. Several members have friended me and have been a blessing by sharing their personal journeys and research through PM. So thank you everyone for your guidance and unbelievable knowledge of human physiology!




lol.i know.i run a blacktop and i know.  where your at. me , i know ....i just asked.  being courious and trust me i know.  lol.   

we are here for you. and me feel free anytime pm me or ask on forum.   thanks sieg 
