First cycle down! Wooo!


New member

Hey guys, It has been awhile since I've been on. But I just finished my first cycle, just a basic 12 week 500 test Enth. Did my last pin a week ago (monday) So I will be starting a 4 week pct next Monday. So my question is time on = time off correct? Therefor I should wait 18 weeks before thinking about another cycle? And get my bloods get done again around then to? Thanks guys!




18 weeks is perfect but go at least 12 weeks minimum...split the difference at 15 if you like.

What were the results of your first cycle? 



New member

Awesome thank you bro. Should I get the bloods done around the 15 week mark? Just to make sure everything's back to normal. Results were amazing, could have been better if I wasn't evacuated for 3 weeks due to a hurricane. and the a slight injury to my bicep.. but other then that I loved it!




Time off is typically time on plus pct. General rule, for sure. Bloods dictate when to start again. Best to get bloods drawn about midway thru off time so you can correct any problems that can be corrected that is. It's always good to know where health markers stand before running a cycle. I do suggest running a full panel beyond a testosterone test, and metabolic panel, lipids of course, psa if youre over 40. Getting bloods are really not that expensive even if you dont have insurance. We must budget it in to our over all expense projections when running gear. It's necessary and intrinsic to the lifestyle as a whole. At least we can feign sanity in our insane use of exogenous hormones. Know what I mean? ;)




Active member

Tlift said:
</p><p>Hey guys, It has been awhile since I've been on. But I just finished my first cycle, just a basic 12 week 500 test Enth. Did my last pin a week ago (monday) So I will be starting a 4 week pct next Monday. So my question is time on = time off correct? Therefor I should wait 18 weeks before thinking about another cycle? And get my bloods get done again around then to? Thanks guys!</p><p>
</p><p> </p><p>Yes, you are correct. I'd wait about 18 weeks, and as always, get the blood work.</p>