Follow Up on Blood work: Question about Estrogen blockers/Aromatase Inhibitors


New member

Everyone has been so helpful here, I had to share the results of my first blood test.  My Test levels were 1300ng/dl, I plan to lower the dose a little to try and bring it closer to the normal range.   What was a surprise was the Estradoil levels. I scored a 91 out of the 0 to 39 range on the test.  This has always been something I wanted to know but my old Dr never explored.  I carry abdominal fat and have some perky moobs.  Now, from how I'm seeing, is it a bit of "chicken or the egg" paradox?  Do I have high Estradoil levels because of my adipose tissue, or do I have adipose tissue because of my Estradoil levels?  Either way, I'm thinking of adding a Aromatase Inhibitor off of amazon to try and bring this down into range.   Although, I'm not sure if it will do the job or if I need something stronger. 

Aside from that LH and LFH were both low, as well as MCHC.  For that I think I maybe iron/b-vitamin deficient.   Either way I'm enthusiastic about my self therapy.  Any advice about Estrogen blockers would be appreciated. 



Well-known member

Go here and do some ground work (research) first. OTC is not the right road. ;) Pharma grade or a proven UGL is the only way to go.

Some of the information will not relate to your personally or TRT treatment but it is all good information to place in the memory bank. ;) 

Keywords to research- Aromasin and Arimidex

Based on your post you have a bit of knowledge and have done some research so you only have to put in a little more effort in this area and you will be a TRT guru.




New member

Thanks, I was hoping to find an easier to acquire and more cost effective solution then going with prescription strength, but I I guess its not the case.  I'll do some more reading.  Thanks! 



New member

Very true, its why I'm here after all.  I'm just concerned the PCT doses discussed would over do it for me.  I may experiment with an OTC initially and redo my blood work in a few weeks and see if their is a change.  I'm going to read more on the subject first though. 




we are not talking about PCT drugs, lots of guys on TRT have to use an aromatase inhibitor. My TRT dose of 200mg test per week works fine with adex at .25 mg every 5 days




Well-known member

LiquidFlorian said:
</p><p>I may experiment with an OTC initially and redo my blood work in a few weeks and see if their is a change.  I'm going to read more on the subject first though. </p><p>
</p><p>This is not the time for experimentation. Right now is the time to use things that are PROVEN effective until you learn more about your bodies reaction. As your knowledge base and experience grows than you can experiment on yourself.</p><p>With all due respect, you are not special and steroids do not discriminate. This is not a game of luck or chance. It is science.</p><p>Thanks for being active brother and we are glad you are here to learn!</p><p>SEMPER FI</p><p> </p><p> </p>


Well-known member



That is exactly why you need to be here and do some more due diligence. TRT patience do not do PCT.





When your Dr saw your E2 level did he offer to prescribe aromasin or arimidex?  lots of us on TRT also use a hormone called HCG, it helps with lots of things but also raises E2 and increases our need for an AI.

If your Dr is not aware of these things it may be time to look for a new Dr. 



New member

I've actually lost my insurance and I'm administering treatment myself.   Still though, he kinda blew it off when I brought it up in the past.  I already plan to find a new endo-dr if I can get coverage again. 



Well-known member

From my experience you will find yourself in the best hands if you find a Dr. (ND OR MD) or clinic that specializes in TRT and/or HRT treatment specifically.

TRT protocols and blood work is pretty standardized now days. The only changes being dosage and timing based on patient needs.


