Hair loss (personal stack included inside)


New member
Hi all!

So, I had a lot of interest on a hair growth stack that I mentioned in one of my comments. To begin with, I have never suffered from hair loss until I have tried masteron, but the chemical was too good to never be used again so I looked for some help. That’s how I came across this stack. After using it I started seeing results after just a few weeks and my girlfriend commented how thick my hair has gotten. All the supplements can be bought off amazon and they are pretty cheap too. So here is the stack:
  • Saw Palmetto capsules
  • Pumpkin Seed oil capsules
  • Biotin tablets
  • Nizoral shampoo
This seems rather simple but it worked wonders on my thinning hair and receding hairline. I actually ended up shaving it all off because it was simply growing too fast and I could not be bothered to go to the barbers as often. Feel free to share your experiences and what has helped you save your hairline.
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You only suffer from thinning or receding hair if you carry the balding gene. Masteron just speeds up the process. I'm sure if your old enough to use steroids you've previously seen signs of male pattern baldness prior to using mast.

Mast actually has the opposite effect on me. I'm growing hair all over my body in places it has never grown before. My back being one place. Wish they had a sup stack to stop that.


Tried it. Gave me bumps like crazy. I have skin as sensitive as your feelings! I have an article on here somewhere on how sensitive skin people can shave without getting razor bumps. Been using this method for a couple years now and it works well.