HCG PCT - helps with balls, shrinkage and natural test


Well-known member

Get your sleazy disrespectful ass off our forum. You couldn't pay us to get gear from you. Grow a pair of balls and learn respect by doing things the right way little man.

Hey I know..... since you have access to pharma hcg run 10,000iu per day for the next two weeks. You should have a swollen set of Huevos Grandes by then!

You have no understanding of the term common courtesy that's for certain. 




sorry but good by ,

we dont self promote on mg. , we have 0 tolorance. , i hate banning. i take no pleasure in it .  either you dodnt read the rules#or your just stright spamming#if this a era try , a new account a appolgy.  and make a intro.  , ... time will tell. good by. 



New member

hey guys, not trying to get involved with whatever is going on here but really curious about hcg for pct. is it the best option for atrophy? What is the dosing and how long do you use it? So many different opinions out there don’t know where to start. Thank you



New member

Feel free to get involved Shallerm here.  This kind of nonsense is atypical for MG.   You should start here to learn a little more about HCG https://musclegurus.to/forum/anabolic-steroids/post-cycle-therapy/70524-hcg-usage
