

New member

I love the bodybuilding ideals and lifestyle, but sadly I'm not much of a bodybuilder and don't think it'll ever pan out as a career move for me. Lifting will however be my lifelong passion and my absolute favorite hobby. I've been at this gear thing now for about a year and a half and in that time I've gone from 180lbs of 5'8" fat ass all the way up to 230lbs at 10% body fat and am currently floating at 205lbs and 12-13% body fat after taking 4 1/2 months off from everything when my love and I found out we were going to have a daughter in October. I'm back at it again and my short term goal is to get back up to 220lbs at 10% body fat again. I'm also searching for the ever elusive 405lb bench press, but it may take till the end of the year. Stay motivated everybody! Hard work and dedication does pay off. I've got personal experience with: Test Prop Test Enan Test Cyp TNE Sustanon Deca EQ Tren Ace Tren Enan Tren Base Parabolan M-Tren Halo Anavar Winstrol Anadrol Dbol T3 Clenbuterol HGH IGF-DES MT-2 Adex Aromasin DNP I've also got a wealth of knowledge about nutrition/dieting and workout routines and what actually works to get big. If you have any questions or just wanna chat hit me up, I'm always happy to help.




Welcome waltr, we are glad you are here. There are many members who can offer you advice, all you have to do is ask. You will never get bashed for asking questions here so hit up the forums ans start typing. Whether it's cycle, diet, or training advice, there are many here to help. Your experience is wanted too since we ALL learn from each other. +1 for your intro.



New member

Welcome to our community!

Stay active to increase your karma! +1 for your intro.

Your feedback is welcome! Cool
