Hey hey!


New member

Hey all!


Hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend!  Brian here - 27 male from SoCal.  I'm excited to learn quite a bit from some knowledgeable sources and of course....GET BIG!  


I'm going in for an update on my cholesterol, blood work, heart rate, and BF.  But as of now I'm 5'9'', sitting about 186 lbs.  My work life is fairly/moderately active, and I consistently hit the gym 4-5 times  a week (sectional work).  Cardio is there at least twice a week for 30 minutes or less....(not a huge fan).  I'll get caught up lifting for 1.5 - 2 hours over cardio any day, LOL.








Welcome to MG! I'm with you on that. I'd rather smash weights than claud hop on a tred anyday! +1 for your intro brother



New member

Hey SD , welcome and enjoy. This is the place you want to be to learn, ask questions and in general just feel relaxed .
