

New member

Hello to all

I'm 43 yrs old, 6'2 and around 137kgs 22% bodyfat. I'm currently receiving TRT from an endocrinologist, plus treatment for  prolactinoma (cabergoline).

I've decided to top up my TRT as my endo only prescribes 1ml sust 250 every 4 weeks. So I take !ml delta sust 3 weeks out of the 4 (1ml week).

I'm going to work hard on my diet from now on as it has been piss poor to be honest up to this point. I'm looking to start a decent cycle soon as I'm back to enjoying training now. Although Tren sounds interesting to me my problems with prolactin are telling me to avoid both this and deca.

I've been lifting for 26 years on and off. I would say 3 years out of the 26 have been missed. The cycle I'm looking at will be as follows,

sust250  500mg per week

Equipoise 600mg per week

dbol 10mg training days

Aromasin 12.5mg per day.

I did a good number of cycles in the 90s usually cyp, dbol, and deca which brought good gains. But I feel my new planned cycle will suit me better.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





Welcome pdawg.  Be sure you’ve found the right place. glad to have you among us so stay active and share your knowledge because we need you here. +1 for your intro.




Welcome pdawg ! 

We are glad you are here and invite you to to browse/contribute to the forums. Your input is valued so stay active.




How about throwing this cycle up on a cycle log  pdawg. There you will not only gain karma, but valuable feedback from others that may help you fine tune your cycle.
