High Blood Pressure Meds (HBP Meds) and Steroids



For those of you who are on or may be put on hbp meds here a word of warning and something to consider when running aas. Some hbp meds have a diuretic in it to protect your kidneys. For those who don't know a diuretic promotes the production of urine, and helps your body excrete water. Basically ridding the body of excess water and salt. First off you'll need to consume more water and electrolyte drinks especially if you work outside. Second certain steroids like winny and masteron pull water from your body. As you can see these two things combined could be problematic. Moral of the story is if you're on on hbp meds use caution on what compounds you choose to run.




Amen!! Nice brother:) Some have a potassium-sparing added, but definitely check with the pharmacist to see cause if it doesn't you may want to add a potassium supplement.




+2 jar. 

Exactly right! Don't ask your doctor about side affects. Ask the pharmacist because they are the expert in medications. I asked my doctor about possible sides and she said dry cough. I asked the pharmacist and he told me dry cough and about the diuretic. Being that I work outside she neglected to tell me about the most important side that couldbor would affect me.
