

New member

Having looked at the great post sieg started with trivia for karma ,as a newbie im way out of my depth and happy to admit it ,so just bought the ebook anabolics 10th edition,its a huge read but it has everything i need to learn up on and get my head around everything so furthers my knowledge,it may take awhile to read and sink in but as the say knowledge is power,if or should i say when i have a question or something i dont understand from it il be knocking your door gents.




Good deal , and you know what , your not the only one , that needs to sharpen the pencil , meaning myself , thats why I started the post , see I get comfortable and complacent,  so I figured we can all learn something from this , and i am pleased your putting the work in   sieg




we all learn differently if you are the type who needs to ask a question in PM please bro ask away we all are here to help



New member
Cheers dont trip ,and sieg,i need to learn about all the compounds ,it wont all sink in as so much to take in first read through,buv it will explain alot and help so i can try and be on the same page as u gents without the experience of course that u gents have but at least i can take more in from the posts im reading on mg ,its not going to make me an expert and talking on here has really opened my eyes ,but rather than it flying over my head il hopefully think hang on i know what they on about here,cheers gents



Brother it comes fast , trust me , im here almost a year , and everything I learned , was here ,   and for 6 months or more I been helping others so , trust me , it wont take long ,   sieg 




It won't take long brother. Let me know how you like the book. I might get it if you like it.
