Hey all together,

I would like to invite all well known meber for some small talk or also big talk because i am collecting informations and would like to know how a shop or supplier get a bigger audience. Please share you opinion here or just write me in priv.
Question is,
How do i get big audience for a shop that is located in EU and do has all legit products. It is a brand that exists for long time and the quality is top. All batches are analyzed before selling starts.

Please share your thoughts and ideas and opinions.
What about presenting a new analyse report of products each day. Such a analyse report costs around 120euro and providing each day or every third day a new analyse report means that you are fucking legit and dont fuck around because you spend all the time money for keeping the quality as high as possible. What do you think?
This way people or members can check that you are not just a blabla guy. I mean i see one guy here on the source forum that is presenting each week a few new analyse reports. Now it is you turn brother. What else can be done. After you i will come up with a new sugestion.


Well-known member
manufacturers constantly update their reports.
moreover, our customers always confirm our products are of high quality (can be confirmed with various reviews)
Still the topic is how to get a bigger audience so my suggestion is to do a part of product verification by youself. Many customer dont even know the difference of testosterone and drostanolone and it is to easy to say that the manufacturer make the job of analysing and a seller dont has to do it. I men service is on of the important standardt how to get audience. Am i right my friend?
manufacturers constantly update their reports.
moreover, our customers always confirm our products are of high quality (can be confirmed with various reviews)
Another method is to pay for the anayse when a customer send the gear for analyse by himself. I mean the shop or supplier should pay for the analyse of the customer (rendom analyse from random customer) by adding a credit to his account of the volue that the analyse report costs. I mean you all supplier need happy and satisfied customer otherwise the service and product is not 100% legit.

Please feel free to share your comments here and i will keep on updating what else in my opinion a supplier could do to get a bigger audience.


Well-known member
Another method is to pay for the anayse when a customer send the gear for analyse by himself.
well, in this case, every second customer (pretty sure) would love to send their gear to analyze even if they don't have any questions regarding the quality of gear. now, assuming that a customer buys one vial of test. the supplier makes little to no money. not add the fact that the supplier pays for the analysis and the supplier works not for profit, but for money deficit. that's some dumb business. :LOL:
I do understand you concerns but i do think you are wrong. When a customer order 1 vial testo for 30 euro and do send it to analse it costs him for the product and the analyse costs and in my opionion it is just fear to give him the costs back in form or a coupon for the spendings. By the way, it take time to send the vial for analyse and it take money to pay for the analyse so the shop should give the money bach as far as the results will be presented online. The costs for the sample, I mean for the testo and shipping costs of the product does take the customer by himself. This way costs are shared and the analyse report does verify that the shop and the people behind the shop cares about the quality. Bro, selling roids is a good money source and to invest in audience is a good thing. Right?
- Customer pay for products and delivery and for sending sample to lab and supplier pay the lab analyse that has to be put online from customer.

Simple and good invested 100euro.

I know a shop owner that is doing analyses all the time and if customer send the products for analyse it looks even better then when he is doing it by himself. Do you got it???

Only thing is that it has to be cleared with the supplier and the supplier accept like 20 analyses per month to verify the quality of his products.


Well-known member
all i was trying to say is that the manufacturers we work with provide report analysis regarding the quality and quantity of their products which can be easily verified online. no need for customers to send each vial themselves for another test.