Iron Maidens!!!!



What are your training regimens like? Do you lift low weights, high reps? Heavy weights? Superset? Dropsets?  HIIT? Endless cardio? What gets your blood pumping???? 




cool topic storm.  I never do cardio in the same session as weights, why? Pre weights training, i feel it drains me, NOT good. Post workout, it drains the pump i worked on for 1.5 hours, no bueno. I see better results separating cardio from weights training, separate sessions. Besides when i do cardio i like to do 30 mins of core exercises and not eat about 1 hour after cardio, none of this agrees with weight training for mass!

I like to do 3 excersises for small muscle groups, and 5 exercises for bigger muscle groups. Legs and calves (quads, hamstrings, and calves) about 10 exercises. Rep range i like to keep it 8-15. Least is 8. That 4 rep count does not work for me for bulk or cut, useless. I know it works for some guys, but for me it doesnt.

Supersets, dropsets, i throw them in about once a month to shock the muscle. I should do them more often, right?

I am looking into buying elliptical or stair master and throw it in the garage. Im super sick of going all the way to the gym to do cardio & come back. I see myself skipping ALOT of cardio sessions because of this, I need cardio in the house to keep on it, easy peasy.




With you on the cardi. I'm looking at elliptical machine for my home gym as well. I do not enjoy hitting the gym just for cardio either. Your training sessions sound great. I've learned that training is very individuaized in the results achieved with different regimens. There are tons Iif follow this workout for a shortcut to size or shred it what have you. BUT, in the grand scheme of things even these models need to dialed in to meet our individual body's response to the routine. I grow in rep range 6 to 12. My load is varied if course depending on my ability to carry the load. I know that my body adapts quickly to a routine. So each week, my rep ranges change in 4 week increment. And my strength increases during that  week training regimen. each month, I start a new routine. This works for me. Each week the days I work a muscle group changes because this is what keeps my muscles guessin...they never know what day I will be punishing their asses! My regimen HAS to be dynamic and ever changing. 




you're right about the different strokes for diff folks. We have to listen to our body, you are right on that. 

Your gains are solid, so its a great reflection of your routine, and that you found out what works for you Storm!

For cardio equipment, im checking out , hope to find something decent and inexpensive. Its either that or Craigslist, buy it off a grandma who uses it as a coat hanger LOL keep me posted of you find something inexpensive and good. Would you rather get a stair master or ellip? Stair master seems to kick my fuc*** ass which is why i love it, im leaning towards that.




Like them both! The stair master firms my Alpha Sierra Sierra, but I enjoy the arm movement that the elliptical provided....I will probably get the elliptical though. I climb 15 stairs to get to my bedroom and then I'm up and fown those shits all evening. Rotlmbo 



Member I am UBER UBER carb sensitive.....too bad I love me some fun carbs carbs! :(

I am doing 3 days low carb, three days high carb (complex, fibrous carbs), and one refeed day. Sometimes I put the refeed in the middle of the low and high carb days, other times I put it at the end of the high carb days.

Here are my macros: Cutting Macros
Low Carb Day: Protein 120g, Carbs 30g, Fat 80g
High Carb Day: Protein 160g, Carbs 240g, Fat 40g

Bulk Macros
Low Carb Day: Protein 160g, Carbs 50g, Fat 80g
High Carb Day: Protein 240g, Carbs 320g Carbs, Fat 40g

On low carb days its steady cardio x 30 mins.  Lifts are low weight and high reps (15-20 reps per set...some to failure).  On high carb days its HIIT cardio x 30 mins.  Lifts are high weight low reps (8-10 reps per set).  Refeed day is active rest day (walk the dog, go hiking, go swimming, etc).

I posted a video earlier today (I couldnt see where we could do that on the boards) from this morning after three days of the low carb....Calm can tell you, pretty neat!!! :)





 info you shared with me on the carb cycling. If it works for you, that's all that counts. On low carb days for me, I can barely move around, and I'm grouchy. I think it's a very interesting concept and I'm more than willing to test it out with you just to see how my body responds!




I think diet is as different as a fingerprint, what works for one may not work for the other.  I havent had the bloating in the last three days that I have had before.  So no carbs for me, damn it! I will miss those carbs and may have them once in a great while, but then I will know the price that I will have to pay...





Diet is different for everyone. Hell I could eat every m.r.e., everything in mess hall....etc. Now I'm lucky to throw down a ham and cheese sandwich without gaining 7lbs. Just started a bulk cycle to get me back to my weight. And I have the worst diet on earth.....I EAT EVERYTHING... so I know I gotta watch the carbs.... And its soooooo hard....




I trained legs. I decided to finally step outside of my comfort zone because THATS WHEN CHANGE OCCURS. I am an advocate of people knowing their limitations. Myself included. At the same time, I also need yo continue to challenge myself so as to REACH MY FULL POTENTIAL. SO TODAY, I said Calm, step your game up. You can't continue to deadlift 135 pounds. So pulled my big girl pants up, and I lifted  275lbs for 4 reps. It may not seem like a lot, but its a PR for ME!!!! HAPPY LIFTING!!!!




The ability has been there, the confidence hasn't. The arthritis I have allowed to limit me. No more. I don't seek to self injure, but rather reach my full potential in light of the circumstances
