Is my Gear real ?



I can help but wonder how anyone can ask this question, especially when dealing with proportionate or what I call the "New Wave Version" which is Test-ace. Just read an article elsewhere where members are going back and forth debating if a particular sources Prop is any good. How can you not tell ? What ever happened to trending your BP or noticing an increase in in strength or stamina ? Increased acne, if you are prone to acne, or at the very least an increase in oily skin.  It is beyond me why anyone would have to question this while they are running it. Same with other compounds that are longer acting like deca or even Eq. Surely you must have some sides.

So lets help these lads in question by listing some of the sides of various compounds. I will start.

Testosterone sides:

Increased BP, noticeable mostly with prop. Acne, oily skin, increased strength, bloat due to conversion to E2. 




Tren , sweating , bp, insomnia, strenght increase , in some cases paranoid, and jellous oh how did I forget , the dreaded tren cough 



New member

Sustanon, mood swings more likely than single ester testosterones and more likely to cause acne.

 Deca , Big strength jumps, aching joints go away, possible water retention and puffy nipples, increased RBC and iron levels. Worst of all if not managed erectile function. 

  Id like to add with Tren , very often appetite loss, and when you do eat you start to sweat almost immediately, and of course a great reduction in cardio, in other words you are out of breath at the top of a flight of steps when you normally wouldnt be. 

   Anadrol, Marked increase in B.P. increased agression and strength. 

  Those are some of the sides on some of the compounds I have run that tells me my gear is  real

  Oh and lastly if you are running anithing over 600mg of test a week and 6-8 weeks in your total test numbers are not over 3000 youve probably got weak gear. I saw a guy with 1590 total test and he thought that was great, had to break it to him that he had garbage gear.




Rapid weight gain and bloat. Big gains in strength. Back pumps in the lower back, acne, increased bp, and an insatiable desire for constant sex...



New member

weird one, but when I run dbol and try and use the treadmill I get insanely painful shin pumps!

some useful information so far guys!

one for you all to think about - how can we tell if HGH is real... I know people will say swelling of hands etc etc but they have recently found some manufacturers putting ADH (anti diuretic hormones) in some stuff now which causes the weight increase and the buyers think WOW!

this isn't to put people off using HGH, just pointing out for them it is probably a wise idea to stick with a known source or lab, instead of grabbing all this cheaper stuff on the market!




There's so much bad hgh floating around I'm scared to take the risk. Even a little bit is expensive




I've heard of guys getting shin pumps from var, but I've never had em from dbol. Of course when I use dbol I'm bulking and treadmills are like leprosy to me :)



New member

Ive had lots of good HGH and a few bunko kits, but realistically I never really knew if it was worth it even when the kits were good. To be honest IMO, HGH is simply like the cherry atop the sunday if you will.

   Blood tests will work but you have to measure both and also understand the correlation of the numbers relative to the duration you have been on it.




That's the part that gets me. Its so expensive and you have to use it for such a long time to reap the benefits. I think its over hyped because so many athletes were using it, but the main reason was because it was undetectable at the time, or not tested for. The NFL is considering allowing it to be used for injuries under a doctors care though. It does have a lot of benefits, but you have to consider is the juice worth the squeeze? Forme at this time its not.
