Is there a such thing as too much protein ?



Is there a such thing a too much protein? There sure is. More isn't always better. We all know that protein is the staple building block for building muscle, but it it can also be you enemy if not used correctly. Many high protein diets claim that when the body processes high quantities of protein, it has work harder thus burning more calories. However the liver and kidneys have to work harder to process  these large quantities of protein. Remember, their function is to detoxify and eliminate so they are shifted into high gear every time you give them that inrush of protein. So how do we take in our 3-4k cals that are needed for bulking ? IMO, I feel that via animal protein with minimal supplementation is the safest method. Processed protein is good for post workout and casein @ bedtime for slow release, but that it for me. 

Further more, is protein supplementation really healthy and just how much so we really need. it seems like people are living off of protein shakes and bars instead of getting their protein requirements from food. Whether it's soy or whey protein, there are undesirable hidden extras that come along with that shake. Metals ! Yes heavy metals and we're not talking about Metallica. Maiden, or Antrax here. Read the label and you will see. Here is a link that further explains Is your Protein powder posioning you ?

Comments ?






You know every time I try to use protein shakes ,,I'll use for a few days or a week ,but after I have a shake ,,I get sick to my stomach and feel like throwing up and shaky, so a steer away
