Just trying to be a monster


New member

Hey there everyone,

im just a 30 year old who works out everyday. And is looking for a way to break through a plateau that has been killing me for the last 6 months. I don't feel like what I'm doing is bad but it definitely feels taboo. I'm not an athlete, I don't compete, and the only reason I want to juice is because it makes me look and feel amazing is there something wrong with that? I don't feel like there is, if it is done safely and smart then the only thing there is to gain is lean sexy mass. I'm not trying to be mr. Olympia but I'm just trying to look a certain way. I hate the bad rep gear has and most that take it are just in denial. Be open, be happy, and most of all be yourself.




Good post. Unfortunately it is taboo. Most here are like minded individuals using aas for the same reason.



New member

Its pure hypocrisy .  There are viagra and cialis comercials all over the place, are they not performance enhancing drugs ?  Look at out movie stars today vs 30 years ago, they are all juiced and we admire the hell out of them. The American public demands home run hitters but then vilify them when they do what it takes. 

   So yes it is Taboo, but the way I look at it is by juicing resposibly we can possibly one day change peoples perceptions. You may say its not possible but look at marijuana 30 years ago.

   Good luck, welcome and juice well !



New member

Thanks dolf,

i feel the few give it a bad name like anything out there but hopefully one day the power of decision will change and people will be properly informed enough to realize that people with tat mindset will abuse anything out there even cough medicine to the point where if in in bed sick for days on end I have to show an id for NyQuil but with that said who knows what will be the reality in 10 years thanks for the post 
