keeping gains


New member

how do u guys keep your gains post cycle. I dont seem to have many issues, but they do drop off.  I don’t want to yoyo!



 Is there any secret besides keeping up the intensity and getting the right amount of food?





Apex Peptides

New member

I think the biggest issue is consistency. Many guys are willing to train hard when on gear, but drop the ball when they come off. Maintaining a consistent regimen of good nutrition year round combined with consistent training, regardless of "using" or not is the answer. Lots of guys use a pile of gear when they are on, and there is no way to maintain naturally what you have gained while using a ton of gear. Lower dose longer cycles will not result in as big of gains, but will be much easier to keep a higher percentage of what you have built.

Perhaps a diet guru can chip in??




New member

To me one of the best ways to keep gains starts with how you get them in the first place. Id run a cycle with lean hard gains that come on nice and steady, whereas the guys that just blow up, will quickly deflate.

  I also find the use of IGF1_LR3 during pct and occasionally thereafter helps a lot.




Inevitably you're gonna lose some of your gains. If you add 20lbs, but keep 10lbs that's good. It sucks ass you lost 10lbs, but how long natty would it take to gain the 10lbs you kept? There's a few things that factor into keeping gains. #1 imo is a good effective pct protocol. The faster you get your natty test kicked off the more gains you'll keep. I wouldn't necessarily say keeping the same training intensity, but staying consistent with your training. If you train really hard while on gear you might not be able to do the same while off cycle because of recovery issues, but you need to stay in the gym and train hard. Diet is the other piece of the puzzle. If you don't eat enough calories to maintain your new weight gains you will lose it. Use an app like my fitness pal to track your daily caloric needs, so that you know without a doubt how many calories you consume each and every day. Lastly the more bloat from compounds the more you'll lose.



New member

You will lose some.

But when off you can run sarms, peps, otc supps.

But the main thing is caloric intake and training intesity.
