Libido during PCT


Hi guys, I'm writing to ask you if you too have ever experienced, during the PCT, these things that I'm about to write to you.
During the cycle (test cyp and dbol) I felt great, high libido, strength and desire to do; I've started PCT for a week (clomid 100mg/day, nolva 40mg/day) but I'm noticing a drop in general desire, I feel less motivated (but I continue to train 5/7 and push).
Has this happened to any of you? should I be "worried" or could this be normal?


Well-known member
clomid made me feel like i was on a rollercoaster of emotions but thats when i did pcts, i do low test nowadays all yr round. thats just me though yours could be something else. have bloods drawn to see where your at. maybe supps or hgh can help you if they chime in.


Well-known member
Hi guys, I'm writing to ask you if you too have ever experienced, during the PCT, these things that I'm about to write to you.
During the cycle (test cyp and dbol) I felt great, high libido, strength and desire to do; I've started PCT for a week (clomid 100mg/day, nolva 40mg/day) but I'm noticing a drop in general desire, I feel less motivated (but I continue to train 5/7 and push).
Has this happened to any of you? should I be "worried" or could this be normal?
that's absolutely normal to happen. everyone (at least most people), experience a drop in desire, less motivation, lowered libido and so on. It just shouldn't be too low tho. also, it should get better with time. that's because your T levels are likely low now, and PCT is there to bring them back up


I've been on PCT for a week (I started last Wednesday), so maybe from what you say, I have to wait a few more days to see the effects of PCT and that a general low, at the moment, seems normal?!


Well-known member
yes. it does. just keep on working in the gym, and keep on dieting. and keep on running the PCT. it will eventually get better. a bit of low feeling and general loss of motivation is normal, you just shouldn't stop.


Well-known member
What was your dose of test and dbol? And for how long?
Because 100mg of clomid is super high!
I'd run half that amount.

And yeah completely normal and why I say... Fuck pct!
The only time in my life I've had dick problems. My glorious... Parade worthy dick... Didn't want to get up.. didn't want any walking around money.
5 weeks of pushing rope...
Never again brother... Blast and cruise until I die.


I did 12 weeks of test cyp 1ml on Monday and 1ml on Thursday; instead I took dianabol the first five weeks at 30mg/day.

During the cycle I felt great, hard erections and always horny.
So do you advise me to go down to 50mg of clomid and 20mg of nolvadex instead of 100mg and 40mg?


Well-known member
Yeah you don't need such a crazy PCT for 500-600mg for 12 weeks.
Id do 50 clomid and 40 nolva for the first 2 weeks then 25 and 20 for the last 2 weeks.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
You ain’t doing PCT unless you have HCG. To wake your sack back up……. I’m sorry but it’s just not PCT without it.


Well-known member
You ain’t doing PCT unless you have HCG. To wake your sack back up……. I’m sorry but it’s just not PCT without it.
that's actually completely wrong information.
HCG shouldn't be in your PCT unless you really feel bad (usually after a very harsh/long cycle).
HCG will de-synthesize your pituitary gland in a similar way anabolic steroids do. This means that as long as you use HCG, your body will fail to produce testosterone naturally. although your T levels will get higher, they are still not natural. That's why it is better to use HCG after stopping the use of steroids, but prior to starting the PCT.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
that's actually completely wrong information.
HCG shouldn't be in your PCT unless you really feel bad (usually after a very harsh/long cycle).
HCG will de-synthesize your pituitary gland in a similar way anabolic steroids do. This means that as long as you use HCG, your body will fail to produce testosterone naturally. although your T levels will get higher, they are still not natural. That's why it is better to use HCG after stopping the use of steroids, but prior to starting the PCT.
You might want to research that a little better.

HCG is needed, you are correct about it fucking the process up if you use to much. It is a fine line.
But it is absolutely needed.

Regardless I’ve used it to help with the testicular atrophy, and semen volume, on and when I came off cycle( which I don’t do anymore, come off that is) And it worked wonders for me in that area.

But yes there is a fine line with using to much I’ll agree with you on that.


Well-known member
Regardless I’ve used it to help with the testicular atrophy, and semen volume, on and when I came off cycle( which I don’t do anymore, come off that is) And it worked wonders for me in that area.
exactly - it works wonders for you.
I personally do not respond well to it.
and lots of other people do not respond well to it.
moreover, the PCT is the period when you want to fully recover your natural T level. maintaining T levels high with HCG is not natural + you damage your pituitary gland further (as said, in a similar way as if you use steroids).
Overall, yes, lots of people use HCG for PCT, but it doesn't work well for everyone. Moreover, by using HCG the entire PCT and then stopping (everything, HCG, clomid, nolvadex) you may find out you still feel like shit - because your body was getting test from HCG. Now that it doesn't, you get low T levels and your gland can't produce natural T. So, you start feeling like shit. but then again, it is individual.