Liver enzymes elevated while taking tbol


New member

My liver enzymes are elevated from taking tbol 50mg per day. They are 103. Normal max is supposed to be 40. Is this normal?




I would think all oral steroids are toxic to liver and elevate enzymes  did you have it checked before cycle to see what they where lots of things can elevate them as well  most pre workouts will elevate mine alone 



New member

Yeah it was normal range before. I started taking liv-52. Not sure if it helps. Just wondering if that level is typical of tbol.




Any c17 will elevate your enzymes. A good liver care lots of water. This is why orals are recommended a max of 6 weeks by most.




You need to start using Logic.A oral steroid is of course going to raise your liver enzymes and more than likely TANK your good cholesterol.

You need to research the proper Supports Plain and simple,Something as simple as Water(2 gallons a day) can help alleviate liver issues.

This is semi basic knowledge and I have seen many of your frantic post and I implore you to start doing the footwork necessary to make true successful changes in this thing we call health & fitness

Now steroids are Not healthy But we as educated members of this site, with ton's of access to valuable knowledge within this very site and many other archive's have no excuse to be ignorant.Use the tools my friend or your not gonna make it past the 3rd round



New member

I knew it was raise the enzyme levels. Im just trying to find out what is considered a normal level while taking tbol. Im sure others on here have taken tbol and have checked their enzymes. I did a search for tbol and enzyme levels but didn't find a specific answer to my question which lead to this post.

Instead of taking the time out to critisize my posts, calling them "frantic", why not answer the question? Im not frantic about anything. Ignorant yes. That's why i posted the question. If you're going to be rude when i ask perfectly reasonable questions, please dont respond to mine. I know you are a mod and can do what you want but im asking politely. I've really enjoyed this website and have learned a lot. With the exception of you, everybody has been helpful and friendly. I'm just trying to learn. No need to put people down for that.




I am trying to be politely blunt Hoping you would start learning to research better.Because I guarantee you that very same question you have asked has been asked or covered in the YEARS that steroid site's have been around.I encourage you and anyone else to use Various site's for research purposes.It tends to stick better when someone does the work themselves rather than ask every question that pop's into their head.Now You can not like me I am fine with that I am telling you what you need to hear,I don't care what you want to hear.To answer your assumption "I know you are a mod and can do what you want"

Could not be further from the truth I am a mod ,Not God =)

I have to answer for my actions and if this get's me in trouble so be it.I tell it like it is for your benefit don't think I am picking on you I would and have told this to quite a few member's.

