looking for some input...


New member

I'm looking for some help/input on my next cycle, I'd love to add some size and I'm hoping to get some advice!

Background in a nutshell:

3yrs on TestC @ 200/wk + Adex

10wks on TestC @ 500/wk + Anavar 50ed + Adex

16wks on TestC @ 500/wk + EQ @ 400/wk + Adex

Then I came back to 200/wk on the test

Levels @ trt doses 450-850; after bumping up I stayed between 1100-1200; estroidal target has always been 24-28...

Admittedly, other than what you see listed, I have no others that I've tried... Again I'm 57yo, 5'8" @180-182

My plan before I came to MG was to go back to the Test/EQ path... Thoughts?



New member

It's come back up a bit and I haven't had it tested lately, but if I'd have to guess today I'm sitting at 13ish, diet is good as my glucose readings are level... Workouts are 5x's week, try and string 2 days rest together



Well-known member

In a nutshell to gain size you have to be in a calorie surplus. The steroids are the least in the equation of diet and training. Here is the formula I have used and it has always served me well. You can compound your results by consuming whole foods and limit added sugars.






New member

Never gone that high on carbs, I would bump my protein and fats and have done so in the past... Not sure what those carb totals would do to my blood sugars... I may test it out!




I may be of limited help. Other guys know so much more about serious cycles. Can I ask please....what is you goal? I mean how MUCH size are you wanting? Do you want some growth and gains that last but which is relatively safe?  Or do you want a strong cycle that really pushes your limits and gets you all you can with obviously more risk?

I am the former every time by the way. I have never tried EQ but I have had great results on Sustanon. I know theoretically its the exact same as Test C or Test E but I am telling you I had better results by far with 750mg of Sus than with 700mg Test C and 80 of Var.

You may want to consider giving it a shot for a relatively safe cycle with pretty solid and keepable gains.

Good luck bro!



New member

I'd have to say keepable gains, yeah I know I need to get back to 10% and less, I'm 57 with controlled high BP and I'm a type 2 as well... I'll be upping my Cal intake back to 3200ish soon, it's just so tough growing when I'm on restricted carbs... I liked EQ with my test, may just repeat the last cycle and see what I can do the next 16-20wks, I'm came here for some input and I appreciate any tips or suggestions you got...

I dropped some pics in the member area, check em out

Appreciate it brother, thanks



Well-known member
After reading what your goals are and that you like EQ and you have to deal with BP and type 2 here is your 22 week cycle :) I’m taking everything into account.

1.Week 1-4 Diet and Cardio only get that diet clean and your BF% down.

Start with 3 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning everyday through the hole cycle(maybe forever)—Apple Cider Vinegar is known to lower blood pressure by almost 10point in the first week. (its something everyone should take at least on cycle)-it also affects Fat deposits, helps lower your LDL you bad Cholesterol and helps flush toxins in your blood.—yes you will have to watch yourself because you’re a type 2.

However, patients with type 2 diabetes compared apple cider vinegar with water. The authors found that consuming 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a chees snack before bedtime was enough to significantly lower blood sugar levels the following morning. This study could suggest apple cider vinegar could help to reduce fasting blood sugar levels. You can find the study here: http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/30/11/2814.long

I’m sure you understand steroid and the effects on glucose—make sure you take your shots the same day. Because glucose levels can consistently go up and down through the day much more when on cycle. You might want to talk to Dr about a temporary basal rate. https://www.medtronicdiabetes.com/customer-support/device-settings-and-features/basal-settings/temp-basal

2.This is a basic Test e EQ cycle, so your diet will be key 100% so there is nothing special about this cycle just make sure you take it at the same time all the time. And because you have Type 2 we will be doing morning shots but maybe more than you are used too. Will do 500mg Test E with 800EQ a week you know how to take Adex so you are fine there. And being 57, after this cycle I would get on TRT but I would take Suston not test e. (125mg M/W/F). Here is your cycle.

a.1-18 Test E 125mg M/W/F/Sat
b.1-18 EQ @ 200mg M/W/F/Sat

3.Yes there are more shots involved than your normal Monday-Thursday shots. What we are doing is keeping your blood levels much more stable which is what we want, but it will also help keeping your glucose levels in check since your type 2, by week 3-4 the drops of glucose will be much less than if you were doing Monday-Thursday—You will also see better results in the goals you want, and the cycle will seem much easier to maintain. Just keep your diet in check.

Hope you like it, its just my 2 cents enjoy brother good luck.


New member

Apple cider vinegar is a staple... Though I will move it to the end of day + a cheese snack... My waking reading is typically my highest (Dawn phenomenon). Sounds promising!!

And yup, well aware of how the shots effect my glucose, they will spike temporarily but if I can keep them 180 or less I'm gtg.

I've tightened my diet already, tweaking a bit, adding carbs to 225 total/day plus adding back HIIT which I prefer...

You rock my friend, I appreciate you... I'll keep you all posted (log)




New member

test and eq is a good cycle man id personally run the eq in the 600-800 range and really see it shine. But you run it where you feel comfortable brotha that's number 1 always feel comfortable and safe with what youre doing!




X2 and +3

Eq is a mild compound and needs to be ran at least at 600mg per week. I've ran it as high as 1000mg with very little issues. The only issue I did have was a bit of elevated bp but I was also taking proviron which can cause no issues as well. A blood donation during the cycle is a good idea as well since eq will cause a rapid increase in hemotacrit. My sweet spot is in the 800 to 900mg per week range. Since eq is a very long ester 16 weeks minimum is the recommended cycle length plus an additional 2 weeks of test if you pct.
