mast/test cycle


New member

what are peoples thoughts on using MAST E/ TEST E begining of cycle and ending with TEST P/MAST P. 7 weeks and 6 weeks respectively Anavar 50mg ed last 4 weeks .5mg Adex eod, PCT clomid/nolva HCG





New member

Test is Test Bro. Esters are the only difference. .5 mg EOD might be too much. How much test you running? Mast has anti estrogenic properties and you might not even need Adex with Mast in picture.



Active member

ANAVAR is an oral that has the exception of running it for longer periods. I would just run it the entire duration of the TEST/MAST cycle for best results. I don't think you will reap ANAVAR's best effects in a 4 week cycle.



Well-known member

I agree, run the Var the whole cycle... 4 weeks wont do anything maybe add some liver support



New member

12-13% if that.  Looking to get down to 7-8%.  Recreational lifter just looking for more of a aesthetic look

215 pounds 6ft lifting for 3- 4 years fasted cardio in the morning lift in the evening 



New member

What is the logic behind switching esters like this?

Please list nutrition plan as it will account for 90% of your progress.




i personally do not see the need to switch esters the longs are kicked in long ago ... why the shorts at end ??? i could have seen a kick start but not at end unless a taper  ... not sure of your reasoning  



New member

Depends on your goals and of course your current stats.

What about answering my question about the logic behind switching esters? Just trying to learn.
