Mobile Access



For those if you who want to snap your mobile device in half don't do it ! We will be mobile friendly very soon, it' just around the corner. You may be experiencing some intermittent issues while using your mobile device as the features are being implemented.  




I figured that's what the problem was when I was having issues the other day.



New member

I really hope it's good and i don't doubt one bit that it will be. I just spent almost an hour leaving what should have been a 5 min. It was very frustrating but at least I'm sitting at work getting paid for it lol 




Yea Bro it can be quite exhausting but no worries, Mobile is headed through the door as we speak.




I to , have been down graded to my phone woke up at 3am went on tablet and dropped tablet not once but twice :(( so with that being said me and my smart phone are here , lol miss typing everything 




Kfizz is all hopped up over the release of mobile access :) We want everyone's feedback please once you all get acclimated to it. Also, what browsers are you guys using ?



New member

I have been jumping around all over this site looking at the new layout.  I haven't had any issues except when I go to post it seems to be back on desktop mode there no text or page wrap it seems.  I'm using android version 4.4.2 Just the stock internet browser. I like the forums section with all the options now as well.



New member

I've noticed

once a Comment is not "new" on the cycle and pic section the way it is set up the thumbs up/down covers up words in the reply

In forum section, it says "Updated" in red directly over the title of the post 




Yes on forums updates are combined with topics , I can not see friends and cant gret to profile atmtimes , just seems like  theres only a little avail.  But im getting a Small Work Tablet-computor tom




I dont like the fact , I cannot see who is on line , also a brother just put a acycle idea , but I cant check his avi,, ok  yes but if   op leave nothing I cant pull up activity, or forums started , so im finding very hard to give advise which is a big of part of the reason were here ,, no?? , this I find crusical I just wanted to reply to a post , but I cannot pull ip his info , so I cant find cycles he ran, I dontnlike the mobil version butm form nowm its all l I got




I have some of the same feelings sieg, but there are always bugs and kinks in any new version. They'll work em out. It just takes a little time.




Agreed I just really hate the fact I couldnt give advice , also is it just me or do you have to bump post like 5 times to get on???




I have a few bugs. I use 2 different browsers, and they are different on each browser. Yes sometimes I have to hit a topic several times to get it to load. That's why it important for everyone to report bugs.



New member

Hey milk always coming with improvements.... I had a lil trouble....... Think it's the gear making my fingers fat..... Awesome idea cause I use phone quiet a bit




I only  use safari and only on my iphone  I have had no problems that I can recall but I'm not great with smart phones just basic stuff
